Chetan Vaghela
@thechetanvaghela on, @Chetan Vaghela on Slack
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: June 22nd, 2019
- Location: India
- GitHub: thechetanvaghela
Contribution History
Chetan Vaghela’s badges:- Photo Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Translated 13 strings on
Suggested 26 strings on
Translated 9 strings on
Suggested 8 strings on
Is the 202nd person to arrive at WordCamp Ahmedabad 2025
Committed [3162593] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Release -
Committed [3144328] to Plugins SVN:
Updated version -
Committed [3143865] to Plugins SVN:
Updated version -
Committed [3143861] to Plugins SVN:
Updated version -
Committed [3143859] to Plugins SVN:
Updated version -
Committed [3143857] to Plugins SVN:
Updated version -
Committed [3143856] to Plugins SVN:
Updated version -
Committed [3143854] to Plugins SVN:
Updated version -
Committed [3143853] to Plugins SVN:
Updated version -
Committed [3143851] to Plugins SVN:
Updated version -
Committed [3143848] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [3143846] to Plugins SVN:
Updated version -
Committed [3079905] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [3079904] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [3079903] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [3079901] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [3079898] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [3079896] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [3038046] to Plugins SVN:
Minor update -
Committed [3035946] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Release -
Committed [2988671] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Release -
Committed [2988670] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Release -
Committed [2967753] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [2967752] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [2967751] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [2967750] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [2967749] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Version -
Committed [2926691] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Tested up to version -
Committed [2926688] to Plugins SVN:
Updated tested up to version -
Committed [2926687] to Plugins SVN:
Updated tested up -
Committed [2925037] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Release -
Committed [2815576] to Plugins SVN:
Initial release -
Committed [2815575] to Plugins SVN:
Initial release -
Committed [2787803] to Plugins SVN:
initial updates -
Committed [2787798] to Plugins SVN:
Initial release -
Committed [2782259] to Plugins SVN:
Initial update -
Committed [2749424] to Plugins SVN:
public release -
Committed [2748885] to Plugins SVN:
update banner-772x250.png -
Committed [2748874] to Plugins SVN:
add our plugin section -
Committed [2748839] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Public Release. -
Committed [2747932] to Plugins SVN:
update banner-icon images -
Committed [2747885] to Plugins SVN:
update README.txt -
Committed [2747883] to Plugins SVN:
update versions -
Committed [2747851] to Plugins SVN:
Update banner-icon images -
Committed [2747839] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed issue #1
Attention Browser Tab Title
Active Installs: 10+
Auto Update Image Attributes From Filename
Active Installs: 20+
Bulk Post Status Update
Active Installs: 200+
Categories Status
Active Installs: 10+
CF7 Visited Pages URL Tracking
Active Installs: 30+
Comment form validation and Customization
Active Installs: 60+
Disable Updates by CV
Active Installs: Less than 10
Manage/Remove version number from CSS & JS
Active Installs: 100+
Rate the Site experience
Active Installs: Less than 10
Woo Cart Popup
Active Installs: 10+
WP Login Register Flow
Active Installs: Less than 10
WP Users Login History
Active Installs: 80+
Total photo contributions: 11
View all photos contributed by Chetan Vaghela to the WordPress Photo Directory →