@thasg on
- Member Since: December 29th, 2017
Contribution History
thasg’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to Tracking code and Nunito fonts loading on every admin page, on the site Forums:
Hi, Thanks for the speedy reply. That would indeed prevent the fonts loading. The solution… -
Created a topic, Tracking code and Nunito fonts loading on every admin page, on the site Forums:
While trying to debug an improperly loading webfont on… -
Posted a reply to Editing Album details?, on the site Forums:
Thank you Cais. You are absolutely right. It does work as you describe. However, I… -
Created a topic, Editing Album details?, on the site Forums:
How do you edit the album details – e.g. name, title… -
Posted a reply to Album list and gallery titles?, on the site Forums:
Your tip to place the albums inside a containing album and then to use that… -
Created a topic, Album list and gallery titles?, on the site Forums:
I have a NextGen setup with a series of albums each co… -
Created a topic, Custom templates?, on the site Forums:
I've made a minor modification to the templates/fronte…