@terezahorackova on WordPress.org
- Member Since: June 22nd, 2018
- Location: Prague, Czech Republic
- Website: suchanova.cz
Contribution History
terezahorackova’s badges:- Translation Contributor
- WordCamp Organizer
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Prague, Czech Republic
Wrote a new post, Návod na Hopin, on the site WordCamp Praha 27. 2. 2021:
Letos se bude v Praze konat už osmý ročník zdejšího WordCampu. Poprvé vše bude ale… -
Wrote a new post, Reach hundreds of WordPress fans and professionals by becoming a sponsor of WordCamp Prague 2021!, on the site WordCamp Praha 27. 2. 2021:
Prague will host its 8th WordCamp on the 27th of February 2021, and our plans… -
Wrote a new post, Oslovte stovky profesionálů a fanoušků WordPressu sponzorováním WordCampu Praha 2021!, on the site WordCamp Praha 27. 2. 2021:
V sobotu 27. února 2021 se bude konat už osmý ročník pražského WordCampu. Pražský ročník… -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Prague 2021
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Prague 2020
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Praha 2020
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Prague 2019