@technologypoet on
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: May 28th, 2011
- Location: Orange County, CA
- Website:
Created a topic, Possible to delete activity but keep activity in groups?, on the site Forums:
Is it possible to delete the activity on the activity … -
Posted a reply to Recent update causes a critical WordPress error in some bbPress configurations, on the site Forums:
Thanks, the update solved the issue! -
Posted a reply to Recent update causes a critical WordPress error in some bbPress configurations, on the site Forums:
Thanks, I appreciate your fast response! -
Created a topic, Most Recent update causes a critical WordPress in some bbPress configurations, on the site Forums:
The most recent update causes a critical WordPress err… -
Created a topic, Is it possible to set vibisility on an Elementor menu item?, on the site Forums:
I'd like to selectively hide or show certain menu item… -
Posted a reply to Sidebar not scrolling on post editor, on the site Forums:
It appears that it was a conflict with a plugin called 'Perf Matters'. Deactivating and… -
Posted a reply to Sidebar not scrolling on post editor, on the site Forums:
working to find a repro. I unfortunately have a lot of plugins so a little… -
Created a topic, Sidebar not scrolling on post editor, on the site Forums:
I don't know if this is a recent change in WordPress c… -
Created a topic, Conflicts with BuddyPress Nuveau themes, on the site Forums:
When install it will cause admin-ajax errors when tryi… -
Created a topic, Disable admin settings page after setup, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Is there a way to disable the admin setting… -
Posted a reply to Unable to change user capabilities, on the site Forums:
No just a single site. -
Created a topic, Unable to change user capabilities, on the site Forums:
I'm trying to change user capabilities, but when I cha… -
Created a topic, How to exclude wildcard URLs, on the site Forums:
Is it possible to exclude URLs using wildcards? e.g. /… -
Created a topic, Send emails through Mandrill, on the site Forums:
Hi there, We use Mandrill for all our email, can you … -
Created a topic, Require login to register for an event, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Is it possible to require a user be logged … -
Posted a reply to Restrict search for hidden and private forums, on the site Forums:
Gotcha thank you! -
Created a topic, Restrict search for hidden and private forums, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Does the plugin restrict search for hidden a… -
Created a topic, Exclude hidden and private forums and all topics/replies within, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Does this plugin allow you to exclude all hi… -
Posted a reply to Exclude bbPress hidden and private forums from the index, on the site Forums:
Brilliant thank you, and thanks for all your hard work on the plugin! -
Posted a reply to Exclude bbPress hidden and private forums from the index, on the site Forums:
Thanks for your quick response. Will setting the forum as no-index also apply it to… -
Created a topic, Exclude bbPress hidden and private forums from the index, on the site Forums:
Hi there, How do I exclude bbPress hidden and private… -
Created a topic, Lazy load of a shortcode, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Is it possible to use this plugin to lazy l… -
Created a topic, How to get date user registered, on the site Forums:
Is it possible to get the date a user registered? It'… -
Created a topic, Bug showing just one meta key with search dropdown values, on the site Forums:
I'm trying to set a search with 4 meta key values, 3 o… -
Created a topic, Performance improvements for custom sort with large directory, on the site Forums:
I have sites with lots of members, and the difference … -
Created a topic, Search Dropdown values truncates to 1,000 characters, on the site Forums:
The search dropdown values and labels truncate to 1,00… -
Created a topic, Rich Snippets for bbPress, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Do you support rich snippets for bbPress? I… -
Posted a reply to Grow sitemap beyond 50,000 links, on the site Forums:
Awesome, thanks for the quick response! -
Created a topic, Grow sitemap beyond 50,000 links, on the site Forums:
Hi there, We have a number of very large sites. Accor… -
Created a topic, Sidebar count for custom plugins isn’t showing, on the site Forums:
Hi there, I have a few custom plugins that show sideb… -
Created a topic, Perfect WordPress Admin Customizing Plugin, on the site Forums:
This plugin is near perfect for customizing your WordP… -
Posted a reply to Unable to purchase upgrade, on the site Forums:
Thank you, the site is back up now. -
Created a topic, Unable to purchase upgrade, on the site Forums:
Hi there, I'm trying to access your website for the p… -
Created a topic, BuddyPress and Profile Builder Pro, on the site Forums:
Thanks for your work to help stop BuddyPress spam! Do… -
Posted a reply to Remove restrictions for certain roles, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the share. Unfortunately this doesn't do exactly what i need. I want to… -
Posted a reply to Remove restrictions for certain roles, on the site Forums:
I never got it to work and ended up removing the plugin. If this gets… -
Posted a reply to Auto Optimize adds very large autoptimize_ccss_queue to wp_options, on the site Forums:
Will do, is there a way to share sensitive details with you (like site url)… -
Posted a reply to Auto Optimize adds very large autoptimize_ccss_queue to wp_options, on the site Forums:
Awesome, thanks for your fast reply Frank. I think I may have another problem on… -
Created a topic, Auto Optimize adds very large autoptimize_ccss_queue to wp_options, on the site Forums:
I was recently looking at perf optimizatio and noticed… -
Created a topic, Remove restrictions for certain roles, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Would it be possible to add the feature to … -
Created a topic, Limit messaging for new users, on the site Forums:
Is it possible to limit messaging for new users for a … -
Posted a reply to Interaction between wildcards and ‘also affect children’ setting, on the site Forums:
Jeff you're amazing thank you! I'll test it out in the next week or two… -
Posted a reply to Interaction between wildcards and ‘also affect children’ setting, on the site Forums:
Gotcha thanks! -
Posted a reply to Interaction between wildcards and ‘also affect children’ setting, on the site Forums:
Ahh thank you, that makes sense. I appreciate the depth of consideration for site load… -
Created a topic, Is there a way to reverse the sort order for custom sort?, on the site Forums:
I'd like to sort using the last_activity meta field, b… -
Posted a reply to Problems after upgrading to Version 10.0.1, on the site Forums:
I had a similar problem, and it looks like my browser may have cached the… -
Posted a reply to Interaction between wildcards and ‘also affect children’ setting, on the site Forums:
Also, I was playing around a bit more, Say I had two plugin filters: A… -
Posted a reply to Interaction between wildcards and ‘also affect children’ setting, on the site Forums:
Gotcha thanks. Is there any chance of supporting more than one wildcard in the future? -
Created a topic, Interaction between wildcards and ‘also affect children’ setting, on the site Forums:
Hi there, I'm noticing that the interaction between w… -
Created a topic, Truly Excellent Plugin and Support, on the site Forums:
Thank you for your amazing support, and a plugin that …