Committed [2826242] to Plugins SVN:
initial release v1.2.0, upload assets -
Committed [2796919] to Plugins SVN:
fixed plugin name in src file -
Committed [2796915] to Plugins SVN:
fixed plugin name -
Committed [2759011] to Plugins SVN:
update readme -
Committed [2758985] to Plugins SVN:
fix tcp.php -
Committed [2758971] to Plugins SVN:
release v1.4.0 -
Committed [2757686] to Plugins SVN:
add v1.3.0 and assets -
Committed [2756239] to Plugins SVN:
update assets -
Committed [2754948] to Plugins SVN:
add cart total rounding 1.2.0 and image assets -
Committed [2701621] to Plugins SVN:
release v1.3.0 -
Committed [2701619] to Plugins SVN:
v1.3.0 -
Committed [2701618] to Plugins SVN:
release v1.1.0 -
Committed [2701617] to Plugins SVN:
v1.1.0 -
Committed [2701616] to Plugins SVN:
update changelog -
Committed [2701615] to Plugins SVN:
update changelog -
Committed [2701611] to Plugins SVN:
release v1.1.0 -
Committed [2701610] to Plugins SVN:
v1.1.0 -
Committed [2701607] to Plugins SVN:
fix changelog -
Committed [2701606] to Plugins SVN:
fix changelog -
Committed [2701605] to Plugins SVN:
tag v1.3.0 -
Committed [2701604] to Plugins SVN:
v1.3.0 -
Committed [2528812] to Plugins SVN:
(tcp-wc-credit-term-gateway) - initial release 1.0 -
Committed [2528804] to Plugins SVN:
(tcp-category-subdomains) - update to version 1.2 -
Committed [2455353] to Plugins SVN:
- updating product sync plugin name in plugin settings page -
Committed [2428356] to Plugins SVN:
(mybb) - update name to myBB Integration by TheCartPress in wordpress ... -
Committed [2428352] to Plugins SVN:
(tcp-category-subdomains) release 1.2 - fix unidentified index warning ... -
Committed [2428318] to Plugins SVN:
initial release 1.0 -
Committed [2416446] to Plugins SVN:
(mybb) 1.2.0 release - implement customizable email subject and content -
Committed [2409577] to Plugins SVN:
= 1.1.0 = * show failed sync users in log tab * add in cron and send ... -
Committed [2399219] to Plugins SVN:
(tcp-clean-coupons) initial release 1.0 -
Committed [2394925] to Plugins SVN:
- update screenshot asset -
Committed [2394924] to Plugins SVN:
(tcp-category-subdomains) - release 1.1 - fix bugs reported - add in ... -
Committed [2394402] to Plugins SVN:
(mybb Integration) development release -
Posted a reply to Adding a product to cart fails on subdomain, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
oops, we are sorry for the inconvenient caused. You can contact us through thecartpress@700tb.com. -
Posted a reply to Adding a product to cart fails on subdomain, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi @burner9000 , Sorry for my late reply. Woocomme basically using cookies to detect whether… -
Posted a reply to I would like to test this on a staging site will it work on a subdomain?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi @burner9000 , The staging site, is it meant localhost. For my case, i play… -
Committed [2385360] to Plugins SVN:
- added image banner size 772x250 -
Committed [2385359] to Plugins SVN:
- update icons, banners -
Committed [2385358] to Plugins SVN:
(tcp-referrer-shortcode) initial release -
Committed [2374642] to Plugins SVN:
Invalid contributors name inside readme -
Committed [2355888] to Plugins SVN:
fix premium link not linking to thecartpress -
Committed [2355836] to Plugins SVN:
(tcp-subdomains) Missing readme inside tag -
Committed [2355834] to Plugins SVN:
(tcp-subdomains) Initial release 1.0