

I am programmer who loves to deliver your idea in the code.


Covert your idea into the technical application is my world.

  • Member Since: June 14th, 2018
  • Website:
  • Job Title: Sr. WordPress Developer
  • Employer: Fudugo Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
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  • Committed [2210567] to Plugins SVN:
    Readme update

  • Committed [2210564] to Plugins SVN:
    New version release

  • Committed [2210563] to Plugins SVN:
    New version test update

  • Posted a reply to How can I create the Facebook Access Token? It shows invalid, on the site Forums:
    Hello Sourabh Agrawal As I check your screen of error it simply tells me that…

  • Created a topic, Excellent, on the site Forums:
    Thank you so much, you made my day bro. I was trying t…