STINA Global
@stinaglobal on
- Member Since: February 26th, 2018
- Location: Vienna
- Website:
- Employer: STINA Global
Contribution History
STINA Global’s badges:- Translation Editor
Committed [2900455] to Plugins SVN:
Version 3.1.3 -
Committed [2675471] to Plugins SVN:
Version 3.1.2 -
Committed [2505910] to Plugins SVN:
Version 3.1.1 -
Committed [2500949] to Plugins SVN:
Version 3.1.0 -
Committed [2462126] to Plugins SVN:
Version 3.0.3 -
Committed [2460499] to Plugins SVN:
Add: Settings page CSS -
Committed [2460484] to Plugins SVN:
Fix Prodws ID for Großbrief national -
Committed [2460466] to Plugins SVN:
Add services -
Committed [2460465] to Plugins SVN:
Remove services -
Committed [2460292] to Plugins SVN:
Version 3.0.2 -
Committed [2459706] to Plugins SVN:
Version 3.0.1 -
Committed [2459567] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme.txt -
Committed [2459565] to Plugins SVN:
Version 3.0.0 -
Committed [2439722] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.3.3 -
Committed [2429245] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.0.2 -
Committed [2412309] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.0.1 -
Committed [2385466] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.0.0 -
Committed [2385451] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.3.2 -
Committed [2384542] to Plugins SVN:
Update icons -
Committed [2384534] to Plugins SVN:
Add Banner and Icon -
Committed [2384502] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.0.0 -
Posted a reply to PHP Fatal error, on the site Forums:
Hello @eyeye thank you for your message and for using our plugin. The error message… -
Committed [2376569] to Plugins SVN:
Updated supported WordPress version to 5.5 -
Committed [2376412] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.3.1 -
Posted a reply to bulk Export der tracking Nummern, on the site Forums:
Hallo @ole_wilkenburg Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht und die Nutzung unseres Plugins. Derzeit besteht die… -
Posted a reply to How to get Trackingnumber in Customer Order E-Mails., on the site Forums:
Hello @yunse Thank you for your message and for using our plugin. Currently, we do… -
Posted a reply to Gut gemeint, leider bislang eher rudimentär funktional, on the site Forums:
Hallo @lordzebu, Vielen Dank für Ihre Rückmeldung. Die aktuellen Umstände rund um COVID-19 sind auch… -
Posted a reply to Customer Column in Backend-Overview of Licenses + Search for Customer, on the site Forums:
@marc2307 No problem! Once I have the update ready I can send you a "Patch"… -
Committed [2190484] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.3.0 -
Committed [2166154] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.2.0 -
Posted a reply to Klasse Support, on the site Forums:
Hallo @stefansic , vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung. Diese freut uns sehr. Ihr STINA Support… -
Posted a reply to Vollumfängliches Plugin / Total kostenlos, on the site Forums:
Hallo @crauley, vielen Dank für Ihre Bewertung. Diese freut uns sehr. Wir haben in den… -
Posted a reply to Uncaught SoapFault exception, on the site Forums:
Hallo @heiko7even ok, vielen Dank für die Rückmeldung. Wir wünschen Ihnen weiterhin viel Spaß bei… -
Committed [2121236] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.1.8 -
Committed [2117463] to Plugins SVN:
Fix typo in readme.txt -
Committed [2116694] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.1.7 -
Committed [2115536] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.1.6 -
Posted a reply to Super plugin – fantastischer Support!, on the site Forums:
Danke schön :-) -
Committed [2073767] to Plugins SVN:
Updated supported WordPress version to 5.2 Updated supported ... -
Posted a reply to Murks, on the site Forums:
Hallo @agunda, vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback und Ihre Bewertung. Dürfen wir auch den Grund… -
Posted a reply to Plugin lässt komplett WordPress abstürzen, on the site Forums:
Hallo @kingwhitey, vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Ohne Einblick in das System ist es schwer… -
Posted a reply to Plugin lässt komplett WordPress abstürzen, on the site Forums:
Hallo @kingwhitey, vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Ohne Einblick in das System ist es schwer… -
Posted a reply to Warenpost (int.) + Harmonized Label “Es wurden keine Sendungen ausgewählt.”, on the site Forums:
Hallo @artair, vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage und die Nutzung unseres Plugins. Die Gewichtsdarstellung dient… -
Posted a reply to request / recommendation, on the site Forums:
Sorry about that, I had to make that change though. The defuse.txt and secret.txt file… -
Posted a reply to request / recommendation, on the site Forums:
Sorry about that, I had to make that change though. The defuse.txt and secret.txt file… -
Posted a reply to Hausnummer Problem USA, on the site Forums:
Hallo @tubbutec, vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage und die Nutzung unseres Plugins. Dieses Problem ist… -
Committed [2055384] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.1.5 -
Committed [2051173] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.1.4 -
Committed [2050554] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.1.3 -
Posted a reply to Label-Download nicht mehr möglich, on the site Forums:
Guten Morgen, @slamcokechris! Ok, selbst-lösende Probleme sind uns am liebste :-) Eine Frage für ähnliche…