Steven Word
@stevenkword on and Slack
- Member Since: October 2nd, 2009
- Location: Austin, TX
- Website:
- Job Title: Founder & CEO @ Sunbreak Digital
- Employer: Sunbreak Digital
Contribution History
Steven Word’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Documentation Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- WordCamp Speaker
Mentioned in [55418] on Core SVN:
Networks and Sites: Use consistent markup for admin notices. -
Committed [2662482] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version 2.0.8 -
Committed [2662480] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.0.8 -
Committed [2662463] to Plugins SVN:
Untagging version 2.0.8 -
Committed [2662108] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version 2.0.8 -
Committed [2662107] to Plugins SVN:
Untagging version 2.0.8 -
Committed [2662106] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.0.8 -
Committed [2662105] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version 2.0.8 -
Committed [2662104] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.0.8 -
Committed [2662103] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version 2.0.8 -
Committed [2662102] to Plugins SVN:
Version 2.0.8 -
Committed [2662100] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version 1.0.2 -
Committed [2662097] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version 1.0.2 -
Committed [2662096] to Plugins SVN:
Tag 1.0.1 Readme -
Committed [2662094] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version 1.0.2 -
Committed [2662093] to Plugins SVN:
Version cleanup -
Mentioned in [51070] on Core SVN:
Coding Standards: Simplify the logic in `WP_Widget::get_field_name()` and `::get_field_id()`. -
Mentioned in [50135] on Core SVN:
Cron API: Run alternative wp-cron later, do not run on archived blogs. -
Mentioned in [48496] on Core SVN:
Feeds: Ensure that galleries can be output as a list of links in feeds. -
Mentioned in [48429] on Core SVN:
Feeds: Ensure that enclosures produce valid XML. -
Mentioned in [47733] on Core SVN:
External Libraries: Update the SimplePie library to the latest version (1.5.5). -
Created a topic, Finally!, on the site Forums:
With this plugin, FortressDB solves many common concer… -
Mentioned in [46260] on Core SVN:
External Libraries: Fix PHP 7.4 compatibility issues in the SimplePie library. -
Committed [2130992] to Plugins SVN:
Taggin Version 1.5.0 -
Committed [2130991] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.5.0 -
Posted a reply to Only checks first plugin, on the site Forums:
Hi @darthtater, We are currently in progress of a major update to the plugin that… -
Posted a reply to PHP 7.3 available soon?, on the site Forums:
We are actively working on updating the plugin for 7.3 support. I can't provide an… -
Mentioned in [44948] on Core SVN:
Feeds: ensure build/update date matches current query. -
Created a topic, Feature Request: Shortcode Support, on the site Forums:
In its current form, the translation service is not ig… -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Boston 2018
Created a topic,, on the site Forums:
Hello, I was hoping for an explanation on why this pl… -
Posted a reply to Duplicate entries in rss meta, on the site Forums:
Hi @justhashme, The template used for this feed only has one instance of the itunes… -
Posted a reply to Fatal Error When Trying to Activate, on the site Forums:
Hi All, I was able to get to the bottom of this during the past… -
Posted a reply to Custom Post Type, on the site Forums:
Hi dzweb, This functionality is currently provided by using the appropriate filter on the accepted… -
Posted a reply to Missing Description, on the site Forums:
Hi @justhashme, The description field is absolutely supported out of the box but is using… -
Posted a reply to Remove Voiced by Amazon Polly from content, on the site Forums:
Hi @arjanolsder, While this isn't the default behavior that we've encountered with the standard theme… -
Posted a reply to PHP Fatal error / Memory exhausted, on the site Forums:
Hi Codegrau, Thank you for the report. We intentionally batch process during bulk updates to… -
Posted a reply to sentence “.” periods, on the site Forums:
Thank you! I'm going to resolve this issue for now. -
Posted a reply to Great plugin, on the site Forums:
Thank you Dan! While we don't have official documentation yet, we actually already do provide… -
Posted a reply to fatal error, on the site Forums:
Can you please provide your current PHP, WordPress and Plugin versions? Additionally, can you let… -
Posted a reply to Falsely Reports Warnings as Errors, on the site Forums:
Thank you for your feedback. The PHP Compatibility Checker is using the PHPCompatibility library for… -
Posted a reply to Runs for a few seconds then nothing, on the site Forums:
We've made a significant update within the past week. Could you please share your current… -
Posted a reply to Pls update to php 7.1, on the site Forums:
Hello Jacob, Versions 1.4.5 now supports lints checks for PHP 7.1 and 7.2. -
Posted a reply to Scanning doesn’t start, on the site Forums:
Hi John, This could be due to the browser caching old versions of Javascript. I… -
Posted a reply to Flagged by Godaddy for malware, on the site Forums:
I've reached out to the Head of Security over at GoDaddy, and he also suspects… -
Posted a reply to Flagged by Godaddy for malware, on the site Forums:
Hi, I can assure you that this plugin is not distributing Malware, but it is… -
Posted a reply to 404 error, on the site Forums:
Hi Ian, We released a new version, 1.4.4, this week. Would you be willing to… -
Posted a reply to Scanning doesn’t start, on the site Forums:
We released a new version of the PHP Compatibility Checker on Tuesday, version 1.4.4. For… -
Wrote a new post, Thank You to Our Sponsors, on the site WordCamp Austin 2017:
WordCamp Austin is made possible with the help of our generous sponsors. Their support keeps… -
Wrote a new post, Sponsor Shoutout: BoldGrid, on the site WordCamp Austin 2017:
WordCamp Austin is proud to have the support of BoldGrid as a Gold Sponsor. BoldGrid…
BuddyPress Automatic Friends
Active Installs: 300+
WP Engine GeoTarget
Active Installs: 400+
WP Present - beta
Active Installs: 10+
WP Teapot
Active Installs: Less than 10
Cloudflare Stream Video
Active Installs: 300+
PHP Compatibility Checker
Active Installs: 200,000+
Active Installs: 80,000+
Voice Blocks
Active Installs: 60+
WP Print Friendly
Active Installs: 600+
Admin Color Schemer
Admin Color Schemes
All In One Favicon
BuddyPress Automatic Friends
Cloudflare Stream Video
Debug Bar
Easy WP SMTP – WordPress SMTP and Email Logs: Gmail, Office 365, Outlook, Custom SMTP, and more
Global Admin Search
Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth
Limit Login Attempts
Login Logo
Password Protected – Password Protect your WordPress Site, Pages, & WooCommerce Products - Restrict Content, Protect WooCommerce Category and more
PHP Compatibility Checker
Pig Latin
Posts 2 Posts
Query Monitor - The developer tools panel for WordPress
Regenerate Thumbnails
Remove WP Engine 404 for Bots
Restricted Site Access
Safe Redirect Manager
Simple Local Avatars
System Snapshot Report
Theme My Login
User Switching
Voice Blocks
WordPress Importer
WordPress MU Domain Mapping
WordPress REST API (Version 2)
WP Engine GeoTarget
WP Page Load Stats
WP Present - beta
WP Print Friendly
WP Session Manager
WP Teapot
YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
YOURLS Link Creator