

Technically minded innovator with a passion for constant improvement and an eye on the big picture.
Myers-Briggs “ENTP” who loves to discuss fresh ideas.


kayaking, bass guitar, hiking, camping

WordPress Origin Story

I became most familiar with WordPress by providing expert support for the ProPhoto theme/builder, used by over 50,000 photographers. Our small company provides next-level love & support to our customers, and they freaking deserve it for all the hard work they put into running their own small businesses!

  • Member Since: November 2nd, 2011
  • Location: Holland, MI USA
  • Website:
  • Job Title: Customer Support
  • Employer: Downshift, LLC
  • Find me on:
  • Posted a reply to [Advanced Post Pagination] Not Mobile Friendly, on the site Forums:
    I agree with @tiotrom that buttons are structured pretty poorly. IMHO, the buttons should be…

  • Posted a reply to [Resolved] Uploading image error Missing a temporary folder., on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your input @harshitp123 your steps are probably correct for your hosting environment, I’m…

  • Created ticket #35936 on Core Trac:
    Add validation for Custom Structure permalinks