Jonny Harris
@spacedmonkey on, @Jonny Harris on Slack
- Member Since: April 30th, 2009
- Location: London
- Website:
- GitHub: spacedmonkey
- Job Title: WordPress Architect
- Employer: Spacedmonkey
Contribution History
Jonny Harris’s badges:- bbPress Contributor
- Core Contributor
- Core Performance Contributor
- Core Team
- Plugin Developer
- Test Contributor
- Translation Contributor
- WordCamp Speaker
Mentioned in [59766] on Core SVN:
Query: Increase `WP_Query` cache hits for equivalent arguments. -
Submitted pull request #8233 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Add caching to count_user_posts. -
Mentioned in [59735] on Core SVN:
Options/Meta APIs: Rename `setted_(site_)_transient` to `set_...`. -
Pushed 1 commit to WordPress/WordPress:
REST API: Introduce filter for controlling menu read access. -
Closed ticket #54304 on Core Trac:
Expose menu data public in Menus REST API -
Committed [59718] to Core SVN:
REST API: Introduce filter for controlling menu read access. The ... -
Closed pull request #1863 on WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Add new show_in_rest property to menu object. -
Pushed 1 commit to WordPress/WordPress:
Revisions: Use WP_Query in wp_get_post_autosave. -
Closed pull request #8198 on WordPress/wordpress-develop:
62658 wp get post autosave -
Closed ticket #62658 on Core Trac:
Use WP_Query in wp_get_post_autosave -
Committed [59715] to Core SVN:
Revisions: Use WP_Query in wp_get_post_autosave. Replaced the raw SQL ... -
Submitted pull request #8198 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
62658 wp get post autosave -
Created ticket #62850 on Core Trac:
Unable to register collections from mu-plugins / theme directories -
Closed ticket #37181 on Core Trac:
Use metadata api in *_network_options -
Merged pull request #68792 into WordPress/gutenberg:
Add WP_ENV_MULTISITE envoriment variable. -
Submitted pull request #518 to wp-cli/entity-command:
Implement network-specific metadata handling in commands. -
Submitted pull request #8161 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
61467 - Filter metadata api for site ( network ) meta. -
Mentioned in [59677] on Core SVN:
Formatting: Preserve `target="_blank"` in Biographical Info and Category Description. -
Submitted pull request #68792 to WordPress/gutenberg:
Add WP_ENV_MULTISITE envoriment variable. -
Reopened ticket #36242 on Core Trac:
wpdb set_sql_mode add param -
Mentioned in [59631] on Core SVN:
Options/Meta APIs: Optimize cache hits for non-existent options. -
Mentioned in [59605] on Core SVN:
REST API: Improve autosave and revision endpoints for templates and template parts. -
Created ticket #62801 on Core Trac:
Improve performance of X-WP-TotalPages queries -
Created ticket #62658 on Core Trac:
Use WP_Query in wp_get_post_autosave -
Mentioned in [59457] on Core SVN:
REST API: Remove trailing slashes when preloading requests and there is a query string. -
Closed ticket #57749 on Core Trac:
In REST APIs, only prime meta data if there are registered keys -
Mentioned in [59256] on Core SVN:
Editor: Cache global styles for blocks. -
Mentioned in [59253] on Core SVN:
Editor: Improve performance of WP_Theme_JSON::compute_style_properties -
Mentioned in [59198] on Core SVN:
Role/Capability: Introduce the `current_user_can_for_site()` and `user_can_for_site()` functions. -
Submitted pull request #7501 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Add filter for REST API menu read access check -
Mentioned in [59132] on Core SVN:
Editor: Allow registering PHP manifest file for block metadata collections for enhanced performance. -
Mentioned in [59048] on Core SVN:
Global Styles: allow read access to users with `edit_posts` capabilities -
Mentioned in [59032] on Core SVN:
REST API: Automatically populate targetHints for the Allow header. -
Mentioned in [59028] on Core SVN:
Taxonomy: Remove redundant `$taxonomies` value from cache keys used for `WP_Term_Query`. -
Mentioned in [59020] on Core SVN:
Networks and Sites: Set `WP_Network` properties via setters upon creation. -
Closed ticket #62042 on Core Trac:
Global Styles: allow read access to users with edit_posts capabilities -
Merged pull request #64257 into WordPress/gutenberg:
Add back editor-post-locked-modal to post lock component. -
Wrote a comment on the post Automatic conversion of HEIC images to JPEG in WordPress 6.7, on the site Make WordPress Core:
For the record, the people that worked on this were mostly not Automattic. Me -… -
Wrote a comment on the post Automatic conversion of HEIC images to JPEG in WordPress 6.7, on the site Make WordPress Core:
will be automatically converted to JPEG on the server when possible This is something that… -
Reopened pull request #21244 on WordPress/gutenberg:
Add script and style REST APIs -
Submitted pull request #64257 to WordPress/gutenberg:
Add back editor-post-locked-modal to post lock component. -
Committed [3130939] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 0.4.5 from GitHub -
Committed [3130937] to Plugins SVN:
Updating readme/assets from GitHub -
Mentioned in [58849] on Core SVN:
Media: Automatically convert HEIC images to JPEG -
Mentioned in [58837] on Core SVN:
Options, Meta APIs: Prime salts when stored in database. -
Submitted pull request #7119 to WordPress/wordpress-develop:
Autoload composer -
Wrote a comment on the post Agenda, Dev Chat, Wednesday July 31, 2024, on the site Make WordPress Core:
I would like the core team to discuss. #60414. What defines "ready to commit" for… -
Pull request #1422 merged into WordPress/performance:
Submitted pull request #1422 to WordPress/performance:
Created ticket #61696 on Core Trac:
Make overriding and back porting classes from gutenberg repo easier
Classic Menu Block
Active Installs: 8,000+
Custom Post Type RSS feed
Active Installs: 100+
Disable XML RPC Fully
Active Installs: 100+
REST API blocks
Active Installs: 200+
Super Simple Events
Active Installs: 40+
WP Multi Network
Active Installs: 100+
WP REST API - OAuth 1.0a Server
Active Installs: 9,000+
Disqus Recent Comments Widget
Active Installs: 200+