Posted a reply to Seite bearbeiten im Editor -> Fenster verschwunden, on the site Support-Foren:
Vielen Dank Euch beiden für Eure Hilfe(n). Da ich meine Seite auf 3 Seiten reduziert… -
Posted a reply to Seite bearbeiten im Editor -> Fenster verschwunden, on the site Support-Foren:
Deine PlugIn-Empfehlung hat es behoben (zumindest bis jetzt). Ich sehe wieder meinen Text auf den… -
Posted a reply to Seite bearbeiten im Editor -> Fenster verschwunden, on the site Support-Foren:
Hier ist zuerst der ausführliche Bericht: ### wp-core ### version: 5.5.1 site_language: de_DE user_language: de_DE… -
Posted a reply to Seite bearbeiten im Editor -> Fenster verschwunden, on the site Support-Foren:
Hallo Hans-Gerd, ich arbeite mich durch, was Du geschrieben hast. Danke für Deine schnelle Antwort… -
Created a topic, Seite bearbeiten im Editor -> Fenster verschwunden, on the site Support-Foren:
Hallo, zuerst alle Systemfacts stehen am Ende. Ich k… -
Created a topic, Blog titles displayed overlayed, desktop and mobile, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi guys, thanks for Make free, first theme I really e… -
Posted a reply to Menüs und Footer von Startseite nehmen?, on the site Support-Foren:
Lieber Begio Mario Grande, ich danke Dir sehr für diese ausführliche Antwort. Mit den Infos… -
Created a topic, Menüs und Footer von Startseite nehmen?, on the site Support-Foren:
Hi. Ich benutze das aktuellste Wordpress und das aktu… -
Created a topic, Playlist option if mp4 from my page – but missing if it s from youtube or vimeo!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi guys, thank you for your plugin, I enjoy it functi… -
Created a topic, pictures cut by Make on the startpage – how to deal with?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I am creating a new post for my site, after I write my… -
Posted a reply to “Make”: headlines get layered on mobile device. No two lines possible?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
solved by my friend who's a programmer. -
Posted a reply to Gallery: photos open huge, when closing smaller area appears. Whats that?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Edit: Wordpress 4.7.3 -
Created a topic, Gallery: photos open huge, when closing smaller area appears. Whats that?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi guys, using your newest version I created my galle… -
Created a topic, Customizer -> Colors = makes no changes :o, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I am running 4.7.3 and updated version of Make. F… -
Created a topic, “Make”: headlines get layered on mobile device. No two lines possible?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi guys, thanks for that nice theme. I use the actual… -
Created a topic, Caroussel: why is picture quality so badly?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, as in the title described the quality of the pictu… -
Posted a reply to Simple question: how to change text size in accordion/spoiler ?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
hi thanks for your code, I must copy it in the CVV, right? @"code posted… -
Created a topic, Simple question: how to change text size in accordion/spoiler ?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi guys, think, it's so simple but can't find it via … -
Created a topic, not correct on iPad?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi guys, I am using TinyMCE Advanced 4.4.3 and works… -
Posted a reply to all pictures resized to 16:9 – but still one morphs to larger size, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I double checked: 1. open that image in Gimp, cutting (again) to 16:9 - fits… -
Posted a reply to all pictures resized to 16:9 – but still one morphs to larger size, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi Dave, it's picture #4 here http://cheftonmeister.de/film/foto-ostkreuz/ -
Posted a reply to Click on picture moves to next picture?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi Dave, I deactivated already slide links to other pages, so yes, I am still… -
Created a topic, all pictures resized to 16:9 – but still one morphs to larger size, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I resized all photos to 16:9 that meta slider don't pr… -
Created a topic, Click on picture moves to next picture?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi guys, yesterday saw my friend using his ihpone sur…