

I’m a front-end web designer, designer, motion graphics specialist and part-time blogger based in Mbabane, Swaziland interested in WordPress development and all staffs touches web development. I love playing with programming languages, learning new technology and figuring out how things word at my leisure.


I’m a front-end web designer and motion graphics specialist by profession but I love doing WordPress projects (Installation, customization & maintenance). Love working with WordPress.

WordPress Origin Story

When I started web design I use to do everything the basic way in HTML and CSS and then realized that I need a platform that would makes things easy for me to add, edit and delete pages in my website and came across WordPress where all my problems we solved :).

  • Member Since: September 3rd, 2015
  • Location: Mbabane, Swaziland
  • Website:
  • Job Title: Remote Customer support agent and Web Developer
  • Employer: ScopeHost
  • Find me on:
  • Created a topic, Good plugin and great support, on the site Forums:
    The plugin is easy to use and their support worked han…

  • Posted a reply to Array does not expand, on the site Forums:
    I am also experiencing same issue I have pro v.3.60 and free v.3.90 plugins installed.

  • Created a topic, Awesome plugin for buttons in wordpress, on the site Forums:
    After a long search I found a solution!!!