Created a topic, Super schnelle Hilfe auch bei dummen Fehlern ;), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Super schnelle Hilfe erhalten, obwohl der Fehler absol… -
Posted a reply to Mehrere Fehlermeldung beim Erstellen von DHL Labels, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Da hatte sich ein Fehlerteufel eingeschlichen bei den Teilnahmenummer - jetzt läuft alles bestens, dankeschön! -
Posted a reply to Mehrere Fehlermeldung beim Erstellen von DHL Labels, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Tatsächlich - DHL wollte "...str. nicht haben sondern "...straße".Bei den teilnahmenummern müssen nur die letzten… -
Created a topic, Mehrere Fehlermeldung beim Erstellen von DHL Labels, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Ich bekomme die folgenden Fehlermeldungen beim Versuch… -
Posted a reply to „error reading request entity data“ Fehlermeldung, on the site Support-Foren:
Dankeschön für Deine Erklärungen.Tatsächlich nicht Elementor sondern noch Ressourcen Fressender - Divi :)Es wurde aber… -
Posted a reply to „error reading request entity data“ Fehlermeldung, on the site Support-Foren:
Schon versucht beim Support anzurufen, wurde direkt nach dem 1. Satz abgewürgt, das Einzige was… -
Created a topic, „error reading request entity data“ Fehlermeldung, on the site Support-Foren:
Vor ein paar tagen habe ich (nicht zum ersten Mal ;)) … -
Posted a reply to PayPal Payments Plugin – Translation Loading Error (WP 6.7.0), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I did upload the fixed zip and so far it seems to be working. The… -
Posted a reply to PayPal Payments Plugin – Translation Loading Error (WP 6.7.0), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
We've had the same issues, right during Black Week...customer is understandably mad. If I hadn't… -
Posted a reply to Uninstalling the plugin, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thanks for the reply but I ended up doing everything by hand since we needed… -
Created a topic, Uninstalling the plugin, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Since we only need our website in one language now, ho… -
Created a topic, Great support, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Using the pro version, does everything as described. H… -
Posted a reply to Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class ThemeIsle\\GutenbergBlocks, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Still the same problem here - we were thinking about upgrading to Hestia pro but… -
Posted a reply to Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class ThemeIsle\\GutenbergBlocks, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Renaming the folder made me able to login and update the theme (I had hoped… -
Created a topic, Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class ThemeIsle\\GutenbergBlocks, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, when trying to access a customer's page I get the … -
Posted a reply to [:de][:] Tags on image description, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
[gallery ids="6236,6237,6238,6239"] This is the generic shortcode used, nothing changed or anything. -
Posted a reply to [:de][:] Tags on image description, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Post content - simply adding via the editor from the media gallery. The Theme uses… -
Posted a reply to [:de][:] Tags on image description, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Via the media library either as a single image or as a gallery. -
Created a topic, [:de][:] Tags on image description, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I get language tags around the title on image descript…