

I’m from Finland. I work at Seravo Oy which is a premium WordPress hosting company. My specialty is Customer Success and Documentation, and I also know a little bit about coding. I used to work in restaurant management.

I love nature and animals, and at home I have a small whippet called Kaino.

Electronic music and raving is also a very dear hobby of mine.

WordPress Origin Story

I work with WordPress. I started here at Seravo as summer employee and now I’ve been here for two and a half years. I did not know anything about WordPress before coming to work here, but I’m learning all the time and I’m only just starting to realise what an amazing world this is. See you at WordCamps!

  • Member Since: May 19th, 2023
  • Location: Tampere, Finland
  • Website:
  • GitHub: Sarimarianna
  • Job Title: Documentation Specialist
  • Employer: Seravo
  • Find me on:
  • Wrote a new workshop, Tutustutaan WordPressin ohjauspaneeliin, on the site Learn WordPress:
    Tässä työpajassa tutustutaan WordPressin ohjauspaneeliin. Käydään lyhyesti läpi kaikki mitä sinun tarvitsee tietää, jotta pääset…

  • Created issue #1865 in the WordPress/Learn repository:
    Finnish translation for Tutorial "Building a home page with a block theme"

  • Created issue #1818 in the WordPress/Learn repository:
    Finnish translation for Tutorial "Getting to know the WordPress Dashboard"