Sandeep Ramamoorthy
@sandeepdude on
- Member Since: June 13th, 2009
- Location: Boston, USA
- Website:
Contribution History
Sandeep Ramamoorthy’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [1420120] to Plugins SVN:
added upgrade notice -
Committed [1420107] to Plugins SVN:
fixed readme.txt -
Committed [1420071] to Plugins SVN:
Upgraded to V3.1 -
Committed [1419181] to Plugins SVN:
updated banner-772x250.png -
Committed [1419167] to Plugins SVN:
changed banner -
Committed [1419161] to Plugins SVN:
Corrected banner name -
Committed [1417784] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to V3.0 -
Committed [1391230] to Plugins SVN:
Added 128 x 128 plugin icon -
Committed [1391227] to Plugins SVN:
Update 2.0.1 -
Committed [642864] to Plugins SVN:
Placed the correct working version of files
Tamil Thirukural
Active Installs: 20+