@saju79shyni on
- Member Since: September 27th, 2013
Contribution History
saju79shyni’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [933505] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [933504] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [853661] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [853658] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [853651] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [853645] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [853642] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [853636] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [853159] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [853151] to Plugins SVN:
plugin banner-772x250.jpg -
Committed [853145] to Plugins SVN:
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Committed [853095] to Plugins SVN:
Plgin screenshot.. -
Committed [853033] to Plugins SVN:
First tagging initial version 1.0 -
Committed [853030] to Plugins SVN:
First comit of the 'add-sub-posts' plugin.
WP Reset Comment Form
Active Installs: 40+