Committed [2618308] to Plugins SVN:
lowercase date conversion -
Committed [2615883] to Plugins SVN:
update retrieve data when new order -
Committed [2615871] to Plugins SVN:
Order sending without shipping method fixed -
Committed [2610144] to Plugins SVN:
Add WC compatibility in new release -
Committed [2610143] to Plugins SVN:
Add WC compatibility -
Committed [2610129] to Plugins SVN:
Add shipping method for separate shipping zones -
Committed [2601620] to Plugins SVN:
Warning array notice Fixed -
Committed [2601583] to Plugins SVN:
Notice fix and latest wordpress version testing -
Committed [2485722] to Plugins SVN:
change notice -
Committed [2485709] to Plugins SVN:
shipping info option added -
Committed [2481330] to Plugins SVN:
delete order api -
Committed [2479719] to Plugins SVN:
update month spelling -
Committed [2479313] to Plugins SVN:
swedish language bug Fixed issue -
Committed [2478826] to Plugins SVN:
update 1.0 -
Committed [2476877] to Plugins SVN:
screenshot-2.png update -
Committed [2476874] to Plugins SVN:
new feature and add logo -
Committed [2474743] to Plugins SVN:
screenshot -
Committed [2474742] to Plugins SVN:
screenshots added -
Committed [2474738] to Plugins SVN:
New feature updates. -
Committed [2470681] to Plugins SVN:
change version name -
Committed [2470678] to Plugins SVN:
update to new version 1.1 -
Committed [2470033] to Plugins SVN:
function name bug fix -
Committed [2464789] to Plugins SVN:
plugin icon update -
Committed [2464785] to Plugins SVN:
initial plugin upload