Sajesh Bahing
@sajesh-bahing on
- Member Since: September 29th, 2013
Contribution History
Sajesh Bahing’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [2348512] to Plugins SVN:
Tested the plugin with latest wordpress plugins and updated codes for ... -
Committed [1202347] to Plugins SVN:
deleting screenshots -
Committed [1202339] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme text -
Committed [1202133] to Plugins SVN:
deleting all files -
Committed [1202129] to Plugins SVN:
Deleting all files -
Committed [1202127] to Plugins SVN:
scrambling readme -
Committed [1202124] to Plugins SVN:
Trying to upload screenshots in trunk -
Committed [1202123] to Plugins SVN:
Updated screenshot -
Committed [1202121] to Plugins SVN:
Screenshots updated -
Committed [1202119] to Plugins SVN:
Renaming the screenshots -
Committed [1202118] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme text -
Committed [1202116] to Plugins SVN:
Updating readme text -
Committed [1202114] to Plugins SVN:
Updating the plugin with following features. 1. custom css can be added to ... -
Committed [1202111] to Plugins SVN:
Screenshots added -
Committed [1200286] to Plugins SVN:
Updated the readme.txt and deleted the obsolete screenshot. -
Committed [1200273] to Plugins SVN:
upgraded the plugin version. -
Committed [1199900] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme text -
Committed [1199899] to Plugins SVN:
Delete test files -
Committed [1199898] to Plugins SVN:
Adding new files -
Committed [1199897] to Plugins SVN:
Deleting all files -
Committed [1199894] to Plugins SVN:
Updating the codes for approval from -
Committed [1198906] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Readme text -
Committed [1198904] to Plugins SVN:
Wordpress Resonsive Image Gallery version 2 added -
Committed [1198903] to Plugins SVN:
Still trying to delete the files -
Committed [1198902] to Plugins SVN:
Read me text updated -
Committed [853161] to Plugins SVN:
Changed gallery plugin -
Committed [853154] to Plugins SVN:
Updated the index.php file -
Committed [795136] to Plugins SVN:
index.php changed -
Committed [793480] to Plugins SVN:
soeme minor changes -
Committed [793477] to Plugins SVN:
version updated -
Committed [793476] to Plugins SVN:
readme changed -
Committed [793474] to Plugins SVN:
some minor changes made -
Committed [793462] to Plugins SVN:
added checkbox -
Committed [793460] to Plugins SVN:
changes made : changed from lightbox to fancybox -
Committed [789728] to Plugins SVN:
added screenshot-1.PNG -
Committed [788657] to Plugins SVN:
Gallery url changed -
Committed [785781] to Plugins SVN:
readme modified -
Committed [783877] to Plugins SVN:
Edited some text -
Committed [783761] to Plugins SVN:
Updated my tags -
Committed [783755] to Plugins SVN:
First version uploaded -
Committed [782385] to Plugins SVN:
Spelling mistakes omitted -
Committed [781643] to Plugins SVN:
First commit
Responsive Image Gallery
Active Installs: 90+