

I am a web developer with lot of experience in various fields. In COVID environment around the globe, suffered job termination. I have teaching experience, programming in C ++ , Java , HTML, PHP, JS and lot more.

I am reader of Holy Quran and considers it the most authentic Science book. A book which has codes to explore this Universe, much beyond we , as humans know in 2021. I am developing a WP site about Al Quran, its message and role in daily life.
I love Urdu poetry and graphic representation of ideas.

WordPress Origin Story

I have been dragged in by through their course on WordPress. I found myself jobless in COVID environment in Pakistan, Thousands of job cuts in various fields.

I have recently started my journey of freelancing around the globe. WP will be my mainstay.

I have decided to do freelancing, in web development and Urdu promotion. I have led many teams in past successfully, I am sure to make a happy team for Urdu WP users.

It is part of my quest to help freelancers in Pakistan.

I have recently started my journey of freelancing around the globe. WP will be my mainstay.

Contributions Sponsored

saadkalpar contributes 12 hours per week to the following teams: Design, Documentation, and Polyglots.

  • Member Since: May 27th, 2021
  • Location: Lahore, Pakistan
  • Website:
  • Find me on:
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  • Wrote a comment on the post Hi, I am Saad Kalpar…., on the site Translate WordPress:
    Thankful for your reply and guidance. I have started following the slack team for Pakistan.…

  • Wrote a new post, Hi, I am Saad Kalpar…., on the site Translate WordPress:
    Hi, I am Saad Kalpar. I have just started my journey of Web development as…

  • Wrote a comment on the post Designate new local manager to…, on the site Translate WordPress:
    Dear Sajid, Hope you are in good health. Kindly grant me Rosetta access, GTE (General…

اردو (Urdu) Translation Contributor - #ur, Uncanny Toolkit for LearnDash, WooCommerce, and WordPress 6.7.x - Development