Rob Korobkin
@robkorobkin on
- Member Since: November 29th, 2014
Contribution History
Rob Korobkin’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [1171537] to Plugins SVN:
adding toggle to control if field is required or not. -
Committed [1155067] to Plugins SVN:
updating version number -
Committed [1155065] to Plugins SVN:
updating version number -
Committed [1155063] to Plugins SVN:
updating personal website -
Committed [1155048] to Plugins SVN:
updating personal website -
Committed [1155044] to Plugins SVN:
fix to support saving team assignments -
Committed [1155043] to Plugins SVN:
fix to support saving team assignments -
Committed [1055649] to Plugins SVN:
adding logo icon -
Committed [1055646] to Plugins SVN:
adding logo icon -
Committed [1055638] to Plugins SVN:
adding logo icon -
Committed [1055388] to Plugins SVN:
update to readme.txt -
Committed [1055381] to Plugins SVN:
adding banner -
Committed [1055377] to Plugins SVN:
update to readme.txt -
Committed [1055375] to Plugins SVN:
update to readme.txt -
Committed [1055371] to Plugins SVN:
adding screenshots -
Committed [1055347] to Plugins SVN:
initial commit
WooCommerce Teams
Active Installs: 10+