Rick Hoekman
@rhoekman on WordPress.org
- Member Since: March 22nd, 2017
- Location: The Netherlands
- Website: rankfactor.nl
- GitHub: rhoekman
- Job Title: SEO Specialist
- Employer: Rankfactor
Contribution History
Rick Hoekman’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to Bluesky 401 error when using Static Identifier, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Using PHP 8.3. But indeed probably not the issue. Maybe it's an API sanitization thing… -
Posted a reply to Bluesky 401 error when using Static Identifier, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Odd.. It should be easy to reproduce as it's just those settings I mentiond. No… -
Created a topic, Bluesky 401 error when using Static Identifier, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Seems that Bluesky doesn't like static identifiers for… -
Created a topic, Multiple Hooks Triggering handle_post, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Issue: Your plugin hooks the handle_post method to bot… -
Posted a reply to unknown files in wordpress core, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
It did work for me at least on the free versions. Might be some delay… -
Posted a reply to unknown files in wordpress core, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Manually updating the rules and running the scan again fixes the false positives. Thanks @deepakkite… -
Posted a reply to unknown files in wordpress core, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I can confirm.. I have over 50 sites having these false positives after updating to… -
Committed [3186737] to Plugins SVN:
Edited some tags in README.txt -
Committed [3182613] to Plugins SVN:
Tested with WordPress 6.7 -
Posted a reply to Last Status Update: 429 Too Many Requests, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I'm going to monitor it for a couple of days see what the average is… -
Posted a reply to Rate limiting not working?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
They did. But your XPoster rate limit problem might be a bug as it's controlled… -
Posted a reply to Rate limiting not working?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
There seems to be a new rate limit; total of 10 posts in 24 hours.… -
Posted a reply to Last Status Update: 429 Too Many Requests, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Unfortunately, I got the same 429 message again after I hit 10 posts. It seems… -
Posted a reply to Last Status Update: 429 Too Many Requests, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Update: It's working again (for me). Must have been a hickup at their end as… -
Posted a reply to Last Status Update: 429 Too Many Requests, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I can confirm. They updated their API to V2 and for free users it's now… -
Created a topic, Makes working with forms a breeze (and fun) !, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I switched from Gravity Forms to WS Form because I was… -
Committed [3126609] to Plugins SVN:
Added some tags in README.txt -
Committed [3126606] to Plugins SVN:
Added some tags in README.txt -
Created a topic, Best WAF out there, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
This should be the first thing that you install in Wor… -
Committed [3059338] to Plugins SVN:
Added some tags in README.txt -
Suggested 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Created a topic, Works flawlessly, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I've tried several plugins to migrate a large site and… -
Committed [2804334] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Tested up to 6.1 in README.txt -
Created a topic, Great plugin!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Very nice to be able to push certain events to New Rel… -
Committed [2763824] to Plugins SVN:
Feature added to limit Post Revisions -
Committed [2761999] to Plugins SVN:
Added some tags in README.txt -
Posted a reply to wp-admin breaks when using defer javascript option, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Plugin has been updated and should fix this issue. Update will show up any minute… -
Committed [2755709] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin update to version 0.6.3 with a small bug fix -
Posted a reply to wp-admin breaks when using defer javascript option, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thanks for letting me know. I'll update the plugin that it will only insert this… -
Suggested 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [2754184] to Plugins SVN:
Added performance options to the plugin description -
Committed [2754183] to Plugins SVN:
Added performance options to the plugin description -
Committed [2754182] to Plugins SVN:
Added banners to plugin assets repository -
Committed [2754135] to Plugins SVN:
Added installation instructions to readme.txt -
Committed [2754112] to Plugins SVN:
Adding plugin icons to WordPress asset repository -
Committed [2754059] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of the plugin -
Created a topic, Plugin still maintained, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
It seems that this plugin has been revoked by WordPres… -
Posted a reply to PHP Fatal error when loading to Amazon S3, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
There also seems to be a conflict with WP Activity Log (Premium) with mirroring enabled… -
Created a topic, Great plugin!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Very easy to setup and configure. What attracted me th… -
Created a topic, Most comprehensive logging solution, bar none., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I've tested alot logging solutions for WordPress and t…
Performance Tweaks
Active Installs: 10+