Created a topic, Colors and a slow menu, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I have downloaded your theme. Looks great, but … -
Created a topic, CSS basically, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, How can I change the color scheme? The new edit… -
Posted a reply to Thumbnail poster smaller (due to lazy load?), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I tried a couple of different channels and they all came with black bars… -
Posted a reply to Thumbnail poster smaller (due to lazy load?), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, Yes, that was actually the thing why I started this topic. It would be… -
Created a topic, Thumbnail poster smaller (due to lazy load?), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, Using the gallery in this plugin the thumbna… -
Created a topic, Settings to remove date and author does not work, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, Just want to let you know that checking 'remove… -
Posted a reply to plaatje.jpg – plaatje-1.jpg – plaatje-2.jpg. Kan dit anders?, on the site Support forums:
Het blijft gelijk in de Health Check modus. Ik had meer succes in een andere… -
Posted a reply to plaatje.jpg – plaatje-1.jpg – plaatje-2.jpg. Kan dit anders?, on the site Support forums:
Update: Eerder, na wat spelen met de plugin, leek het - of was het gelukt.… -
Posted a reply to plaatje.jpg – plaatje-1.jpg – plaatje-2.jpg. Kan dit anders?, on the site Support forums:
Top! Werkt idd prima. Dank je wel. -
Created a topic, plaatje.jpg – plaatje-1.jpg – plaatje-2.jpg. Kan dit anders?, on the site Support forums:
Hallo, Is er een manier om de cache (denk ik) te lege… -
Posted a reply to Can’t write data, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi @arrasel403, Thanks for the reply. The craziest thing happened. I installed 3 other plugins… -
Created a topic, Can’t write data, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I tried to import csv files (made with BetterLink… -
Posted a reply to Customization errors after adding payment gateways + Jetpack, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, Sorry for the late reaction. I can't confirm it. I changed themes due to… -
Posted a reply to Proteo + Jetpack seems a bad match, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Update: I described the problem more clearly in a new topic. https://wordpress.org/support/topic/customization-errors-after-adding-payment-gateways-jetpack/ -
Created a topic, Customization errors after adding payment gateways + Jetpack, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello everyone, After installing Jetpack and the Wooc… -
Created a topic, Proteo + Jetpack seems a bad match, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, After installing Jetpack I experienced trouble… -
Posted a reply to Elke zoveel dagen opnieuw moeten inloggen, on the site Support forums:
Dank voor je reactie, Guido. Ik heb 1 login-plugin, maar die heb ik al een… -
Created a topic, Elke zoveel dagen opnieuw moeten inloggen, on the site Support forums:
Hallo allemaal, Ik word regelmatig gevraagd door Word… -
Created a topic, Good plugin, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Looking nice and works great! :D -
Posted a reply to How to make the tagnames appear under each other in a list?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Awesome! Thanks, Chris. For the solution and the quick reply! :) -
Created a topic, How to make the tagnames appear under each other in a list?, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, The lists I created give the tagnames next to … -
Posted a reply to Multisite-menu geeft geen extra domeinnamen meer aan, on the site Support forums:
Yup! Dat was het. Mezelf -als admin zijnde- toevoegen als gebruiker van deze site zette… -
Created a topic, Multisite-menu geeft geen extra domeinnamen meer aan, on the site Support forums:
Hallo allemaal, Ik heb vorig jaar multisites bij WP g… -
Created a topic, Very handy and easy to use., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Very handy and easy to use. -
Posted a reply to Reserve price, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
On second thoughts ... It would even be better if I can show the price… -
Created a topic, Reserve price, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I found this part of the script (in class-uwa-pro… -
Created a topic, UWA seems not to go hand in hand with Paypal Plus, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I set up Paypal Plus (and Paypal Checkout) and it…