Rahul Kumar
@rahulslj on WordPress.org, @Rahul Kumar on Slack
- Member Since: May 8th, 2020
- Location: New Delhi
- Website: itsrahul.in
- GitHub: rahulslj
- Job Title: Sr. Software Engineer
Contribution History
Rahul Kumar’s badges:- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Translated 2 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Reviewed 3 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 7 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 24 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 9 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Reviewed 4 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 5 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 15 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Reviewed 176 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 2 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Wrote a comment on the post Day 20: #WP20 From Blogs to Blocks, on the site Make WordPress.org Marketing:
Happy 20th birthday, WordPress! My life has changed so much for the better since joining… -
Translated 86 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 123 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 81 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Reviewed 8 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 299 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Reviewed 22 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 43 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 12 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Wrote a new post, Hi, I’ve suggested translations string…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hi, I’ve suggested translations string for this theme color NewsMagazine and would like to have… -
Wrote a new post, Hello Polyglots, I have suggested…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello Polyglots, I have suggested strings for this Translation Tools in Hindi and would like… -
Wrote a new post, Hello Polyglots, I have suggested…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello Polyglots, I have suggested strings for this WordPress Core in Bhojpuri and would like…
General Translation Editor
हिन्दी (Hindi) Plugins Translation Editor - #hi_IN
Translation Tools
Active Installs: 100+