

Born in Switzerland in 1963, I was in the early student in exclusive “computer area developer”. After my studies I worked in big factory, using Cobol on main frame. After over 30y working for several companies and administrations I create my own web agency. I move to Thailand in 2023 and relocate my compagny in that place on feb 2024.

WordPress Origin Story

Developer from 1981, I turn to Web development over 20y ago. Coming from the Main frame area, specialist in analisys and data-base design I choose to run in php mysql first. In the 20st I try some of the product on the market, but when I saw that WordPress was based on php and that the heart of it include all what I was spending time to write I turn to WP. Today I manager a small web agency and take care of about 350 custumers, all of they websites are build and manage on WP.

  • Member Since: November 22nd, 2021
  • Location: Thaïlande
  • Website:
  • Job Title: CEO and developer
  • Employer: Novagency Co.,Ltd
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