

UI/UX designer with over 20 years of experience bringing intuitive and visually appealing interfaces to life. I’ve designed a wide range of digital products such as websites, software applications, and virtual objects for companies in the education, healthcare, and service sectors.

I am a professional Graphic Designer from the Nationa University of Bogotá and Google cetifified professional UX designer.

WordPress Origin Story

I knew about WordPresss in 2006, and since then it has been the main tool I use to buid dynamic and advanced websites. Then, I began to build customized templates for WordPress and other platforms such as Joomla, Typo3, Moodle and Drupal.

Since 2017 I’ve been workshop facilitator, speaker and contributor for the Bogotá WordPress community, thanks to my experience working with this platform.

  • Member Since: March 17th, 2008
  • Location: Bogotá, Colombia
  • Website:
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  • Posted a reply to The plugin is not rendering the data from the form and displays the tags, on the site Forums:
    I had to revert to version to make the PDF display the data as…

  • Posted a reply to The plugin is not rendering the data from the form and displays the tags, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I managed to solve the issue (at least in part) by unchecking the "Disable…

  • Created a topic, The plugin is not rendering the data from the form and displays the tags, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I've been using your plugin since many years ago i…

  • Created a topic, Allow negative numbers in number field, on the site Forums:
    Is it possible for the user to add a negative value in…

  • Wrote a new post, WordCamp Bogotá 2024: Descubre el Mundo de WordPress, on the site WordCamp Bogotá 2024:
    Las WordCamps son eventos vibrantes que reúne a entusiastas, desarrolladores, diseñadores y usuarios de WordPress…

  • Created a topic, Checkboxes info not showing on PDF, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I have a form that includes radio buttons for t…

  • Posted a reply to Image grid/carousel not showing up images in secondary language using Polylang, on the site Forums:
    Hi, thank you for your answer, I managed to solve this by changing the settings…

  • Created a topic, Image grid/carousel not showing up images in secondary language using Polylang, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for your useful plugin. I am buiding a multi…

  • Posted a reply to Slected checkbox values are not visible on the PDF, on the site Forums:
    Any ideas? please help, it's been a while and still not soved this issue. Thank…

  • Created a topic, Very useful and complete solution, on the site Forums:
    Love this plugin, very useful, with a ton of options t…

  • Created a topic, Slected checkbox values are not visible on the PDF, on the site Forums:
    Hi, and thank you for your useful plugin. I've been us…

  • Posted a reply to Font awesome not loading in one page, on the site Forums:
    Hi, please take a look at the code, the icons are there in the editor…

  • Posted a reply to Font awesome not loading in one page, on the site Forums:
    Hi, this is the URL:

  • Posted a reply to Font awesome not loading in one page, on the site Forums:
    Hi, thank you, what you see is the Gutenberg default block for social links, its…

  • Created a topic, Font awesome not loading in one page, on the site Forums:
    Hi, thank you for your great plugin. I added icons on …

  • Created a topic, Very useful, on the site Forums:
    A must in much websites I have developed. Love it. So …