

I travel the world and make jokes about it.

  • Member Since: April 22nd, 2020
  • Location: Tampa, FL
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  • Created a topic, Indespensible, even if you don’t think you need it (cuz you do)., on the site Forums:
    I bought the Pro plugin a while back to organize all t…

  • Posted a reply to hCaptcha issue with CF7, on the site Forums:
    Ah, crap. I forgot to flush my cache after making the site public. Did that…

  • Posted a reply to hCaptcha issue with CF7, on the site Forums:
    Sorry, was away for a while. Is there a way to send you the files/URL…

  • Posted a reply to hCaptcha issue with CF7, on the site Forums:
    Yeah, I have CF7 activated, but hCaptcha's still not showing. I thought it was because…

  • Created a topic, hCaptcha issue with CF7, on the site Forums:
    I have hCaptcha and CF7 installed and connected, yet w…

  • Created a topic, Simple, easy solution., on the site Forums:
    Had trouble changing my admin email, then found this p…

  • Posted a reply to How do remove your promo copy?, on the site Forums:
    Cool, thanks!

  • Created a topic, How do remove your promo copy?, on the site Forums:
    How do I keep this text from showing on my Plugins pag…

  • Created a topic, Does what it claims., on the site Forums:
    I wanted to show viewers the number of views a post ha…

  • Posted a reply to Apparently no testing before releases., on the site Forums:
    Happy to help. Funny story, updating to version 7 DIDN'T crash my site, but it…

  • Created a topic, Saved my butt when all else failed., on the site Forums:
    Gotta hand it to them, UpdraftPlus lived up to their p…

  • Created a topic, Apparently no testing before releases., on the site Forums:
    To avoid any conflicts and problems, I built an ecomme…

  • Posted a reply to Unable to display the dashboard, on the site Forums:
    Same thing happened to me. So I deleted all the plugin files, reinstalled the plugin…

  • Posted a reply to New update crashed and removed plugin, on the site Forums:
    Same thing happened to me. So I deleted all the plugin files, reinstalled the plugin…

  • Posted a reply to Editing CSS, on the site Forums:
    I think you'd write it like this in your Custom CSS section: #content .site-content {…

  • Posted a reply to Jetpack has detected an error syncing your site, on the site Forums:
    I'm having the same "full sync" problem, @drawmyface. Little help? Thanks.

  • Posted a reply to How to add publish date to pages, just like posts, on the site Forums:
    Thanks! I tried adding that code, but it doesn't seem to work. I am using…

  • Created a topic, How to add publish date to pages, just like posts, on the site Forums:
    I want my site's Pages to have the same publish date a…