PC Gamer Girl
@pcgamergirl on WordPress.org
- Member Since: September 19th, 2015
- Website: youtube.com/pcgamergirl
- Job Title: YouTuber
Contribution History
PC Gamer Girl’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [1251680] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme text with proper contributor WP name. -
Committed [1251676] to Plugins SVN:
Added screenshots and updated readme. -
Committed [1251665] to Plugins SVN:
Updating banner and plugin title. -
Committed [1251661] to Plugins SVN:
Adding asset Banner. -
Committed [1251658] to Plugins SVN:
Added Bait Stream icon. -
Committed [1251648] to Plugins SVN:
Correct description wording. -
Committed [1251647] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme file for correct tagging and title. -
Committed [1251644] to Plugins SVN:
Removed twitchAlert logo from images directory. -
Committed [1251642] to Plugins SVN:
Added Bait Stream logo. -
Committed [1251635] to Plugins SVN:
V 1.0 - Initial release.
Bait Stream for Twitch TV
Active Installs: 10+