Paul Pleasant
@paulpleasant on
- Member Since: August 24th, 2021
- Website:
- GitHub: pplsnt
- Job Title: Assistant Director, Web Opearations
- Employer: Texas A&M AgriLife
Created ticket #61622 on Core Trac:
Site Attributes update - Site Status Field -
Created ticket #58795 on Core Trac:
Multisite Network Admin Sites - Search doesn't work well -
Posted a reply to Authenticate MI with Google once per year, on the site Forums:
Thanks so much Chris! I so appreciate your feedback and listening. :) -
Created a topic, Authenticate MI with Google once per year, on the site Forums:
It is a pain point that we have to go in to re-authent… -
Created ticket #57875 on Core Trac:
Add Page Password Complexity Checker -
Created a topic, Pop-up only once per IP address, on the site Forums:
Is there a way to make the subscribe pop-up modal box … -
Created ticket #57735 on Core Trac:
Turn off all post comments easily