@paulfedorov on, @Paul Fedorov on Slack
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: March 25th, 2017
- Location: Moscow
- Website:
- GitHub: acerus
- Job Title: developer
- Employer:
Contribution History
paulfedorov’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
- WordCamp Organizer
Posted a reply to Can’t create new recipe in plugin (latest plugin & WP version), on the site Forums:
Thanks for speedy reply! Turned out there is no problem with your plugin, there was… -
Created a topic, Can’t create new recipe in plugin (latest plugin & WP version), on the site Forums:
Hey!Sorry if it's being discussed before (not easily f… -
Committed [2634899] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.1.7 from GitHub -
Committed [2634877] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.1.6 from GitHub -
Committed [2632758] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.1.5 from GitHub -
Committed [2630991] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.1.4 from GitHub -
Committed [2630987] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.1.3 from GitHub -
Committed [2630737] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.1.2 from GitHub -
Committed [2630090] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version from GitHub -
Committed [2630089] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.1.1 from GitHub -
Committed [2630085] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.1 from GitHub -
Posted a reply to whisk, on the site Forums:
Hey! Neither nor this plugin is terminated, only Whisk Studio is discontinued. We will… -
Created a topic, Doesn’t work, multiple 520 errors with this plugin installed, on the site Forums:
Too bad that it is so buggy, since it's actually a goo… -
Committed [2458524] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.0.5 from GitHub -
Committed [2458517] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.0.4 from GitHub -
Committed [2456555] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.0.3 from GitHub -
Committed [2456543] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.0.2 from GitHub -
Committed [2456536] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.0.1 from GitHub -
Committed [2456524] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.0.0 from GitHub -
Created a topic, Custom recipients?, on the site Forums:
Hey! I'm wondering if it's possible to add custom Zend… -
Posted a reply to Bug: $post gets overwritten by Zendesk Form, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much! -
Created a topic, Bug: $post gets overwritten by Zendesk Form, on the site Forums:
Looks like query for getting Zendesk Form inside the s… -
Created a topic, Zendesk Tags support?, on the site Forums:
Hey! Thanks for this awesome plugin, does the job with… -
Created a topic, Great plugin, on the site Forums:
It is actually a pretty-well build plugin that covers … -
Created a topic, Делает дело, 5+, on the site Forums:
Отличный плагин, просто работает без ошибок. Загнал с … -
Created a topic, Plugin doesn’t save any of it’s setting, on the site Forums:
First of all, redirection actually work, urls are bein… -
Created a topic, in-feed ads displaying in site header, on the site Forums:
Hi! I'm trying to setup adsense feed ads and so far it… -
Created a topic, Caching problems, on the site Forums:
Hi! First of all - thanks for the great plugin. It rea… -
Posted a reply to Не грузите стили и скрипты для закрытых комментариев, on the site Forums:
Скорее есть пожелания: разграничить опцию полного закрытия по типам постов. Распространенный случай - комментарии нужны… -
Posted a reply to Не грузите стили и скрипты для закрытых комментариев, on the site Forums:
Если на странице 0 комментариев и они закрыты - зачем ей стили и скрипты с… -
Created a topic, Не грузите стили и скрипты для закрытых комментариев, on the site Forums
Posted a reply to Не выводится содержимое постов the_content, on the site Forums:
Спасибо за подсказку насчет темы, дело было в ней! Добавляли лид в посты через фильтр… -
Posted a reply to Не выводится содержимое постов the_content, on the site Forums:
Интересно, отключил все плагины кроме RSS for Yandex Turbo, картина не изменилась, в фиде по… -
Posted a reply to Не выводится содержимое постов the_content, on the site Forums:
Используем обычные записи wordpress, стандартный тип поста. Не произвольные типы записей. Контент тоже лежит в… -
Posted a reply to Не выводится содержимое постов the_content, on the site Forums:
Шаблоны - это которые в плагине? Их не трогал, вот так выглядит У записей… -
Created a topic, Не выводится содержимое постов the_content, on the site Forums:
Добрый день! плагин отличный, … -
Wrote a new post, Contributor’s day на WordCamp в Санкт-Петербурге, on the site Конференция по WordPress в Санкт-Петербурге:
Друзья! На WordCamp St. Petersburg 2018 у нас для вас запланировано отделение участников разработки ядра… -
Joined the organizing team for Конференция по WordPress в Санкт-Петербурге
Posted a reply to Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_id(), on the site Forums:
А вот теперь все отлично работает, спасибо! -
Posted a reply to Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_id(), on the site Forums:
А вот так работает, спасибо! только аттрибуты все пустые -
Created a topic, Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_id(), on the site Forums:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function… -
Created a topic, не передается Тип цены в 1С и другие вопросы по заказам, on the site Forums
Created a topic, Compare links not showing up in woocommerce shortcodes, on the site Forums:
Hi all! Noticed that Compare links aren't showing up w…
Whisk Recipe Widgets
Active Installs: 10+
Русский (Russian) Plugins Translation Editor - #ru_RU
Site Kit by Google – Analytics, Search Console, AdSense, Speed
Active Installs: 4+ million