@pacosilva on, @Paco Silva on Slack
- Member Since: May 25th, 2017
- Location: Chiclana, Cádiz
- Website:
- Job Title: Diseño y Desarrollo Web Freelance
- Employer: Web Futura
Contribution History
pacosilva’s badges:- WordCamp Organizer
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Chiclana de la frontera 2020
Posted a reply to First post full width, rest in 2 columns, on the site Forums:
Hi, I've done it with: nth-child. This is the code that I used in case… -
Posted a reply to Social Media Icon Color, on the site Forums:
So it is not necessary to change the css in cad item / * Change… -
Created a topic, Disfunción y posible mejora, on the site Forums:
He observado que, al menos en mi caso, no me toma en c… -
Created a topic, Bloques muy prácticos y sencillos de usar, on the site Forums:
Pues eso, esta colección de bloques son bloques muy l… -
Created a topic, The block of columns and problems that I found., on the site Forums:
As a way to collaborate I have found that when using t… -
Created a topic, Block very useful. Small incompatibility with Beaver Builder – Block muy útiles., on the site Forums:
I have installed this magnificent plugin that provides… -
Created a topic, Muy sencillo y ligero, on the site Forums:
Acabo de instalar este plugin y me parece perfecto por… -
Created a topic, Ease of use for non-professional users, on the site Forums:
I'm testing Gutenberg and I'm very satisfied. It has m… -
Created a topic, Error en widgets HTML, on the site Forums:
Hola Nilo, antes que nada felicitarte por tu plugin y … -
Created a topic, Va de maravilla, on the site Forums:
Nilo, muchas por tu extraordinario trabajo. Me ha ahor… -
Created a topic, Perfecto, on the site Forums:
Funciona sin ningún problema y es fácil de utilizar -
Wrote a new post, Chiclana: La ciudad que acoge, on the site WordCamp Chiclana 2017:
Chiclana, nuestra anfitriona de la WordCamp, además de ser una ciudad turística no ha abandonado… -
Created a topic, Me gusta mucho este constructor trabando con Generate Press, on the site Forums:
Me gusta mucho este constructor trabando con Generate … -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Chiclana de la Frontera, Cadiz 2017