Nynke de Blaauw
@nynkedeblaauw on WordPress.org, @Nynke de Blaauw (Yoast) on Slack
- Member Since: October 16th, 2020
- Location: Nijmegen
- Website: yoast.com/about-us/team/nynke-de-blaauw
- GitHub: nynyoast
Contribution History
Nynke de Blaauw’s badges:- Test Contributor
- Translation Contributor
Translated 42 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 39 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Wrote a comment on the post FSE Program Testing Call #10: Pattern Party, on the site Make WordPress Test:
First time FSE tester here, I hope this feedback is helpful: When selecting 'Display settings'…