
  • Member Since: June 3rd, 2011
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  • Created ticket #58497 on Core Trac:
    2 column page content in page (not template) causes menu bar ...

  • Created a topic, tags in caption?, on the site Forums:
    can't seem to figure out why the <br> tags don't…

  • Posted a reply to Feature request: HTML in captions, on the site Forums:
    Yes I would like to third this feature as well. I am attempting to move…

  • Posted a reply to Excellent free gallery, on the site Forums:
    After struggling and feeling like I was going insane with even some of the pro…

  • Created a topic, Quality has gone down., on the site Forums:
    I've had Envira Pro for years and it really seems like…

  • Posted a reply to Pressing the green button goes to homepage of site., on the site Forums:
    Sorry to tack on this thread... But Payeezy is driving me nuts. Other gateways seem…

  • Posted a reply to Pressing the green button goes to homepage of site., on the site Forums:
    Got the client to purchase the premium version.. I'm trying work out the three specific…

  • Posted a reply to Pressing the green button goes to homepage of site., on the site Forums:
    found some residual .htaccess code in the wp-content folder from the security plugin -- cleared…

  • Posted a reply to Pressing the green button goes to homepage of site., on the site Forums:
    Yeah I noticed that after I posted. I can't figure out why the site is…

  • Posted a reply to Pressing the green button goes to homepage of site., on the site Forums:
    Deactivating a 404 redirect plugin allows for that pay.php page to show up, but something…

  • Posted a reply to Pressing the green button goes to homepage of site., on the site Forums:
    Hmnn.. it has read write and execute access for the user. No write for group…

  • Created a topic, Pressing the green button goes to homepage of site., on the site Forums:
    Plugin is in draft at the top of the page... I've add…

  • Posted a reply to Word Wrap on long titles doesn’t seem to be working, on the site Forums:
    Only options available in the free version seem to be Pixel values. Custom CSS fixed…

  • Posted a reply to Word Wrap on long titles doesn’t seem to be working, on the site Forums:
    Unfortunately only number values are allowed for that in the dashboard menu. × Validation failed…

  • Created a topic, Word Wrap on long titles doesn’t seem to be working, on the site Forums:
    I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong... I have the word w…

  • Posted a reply to Is it possible to tap overlay to close on Mobile?, on the site Forums:
    I've done so, still no luck clicking overlay to close on ios mobile.

  • Posted a reply to IOS safari – forms in pop up require double tap, on the site Forums:
    The double tap on the form issue seems to be cleared up. I think it…

  • Posted a reply to Menu flashes after click on mobile, then slides back in, on the site Forums:
    Not clear exactly what the hang up was for me, but after a few days…

  • Posted a reply to Is it possible to tap overlay to close on Mobile?, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for looking into this... I was pretty certain it did before.

  • Posted a reply to Menu flashes after click on mobile, then slides back in, on the site Forums:
    Sorry, it seems like it my device. I tested on a fresh Iphone X last…

  • Created a topic, Is it possible to tap overlay to close on Mobile?, on the site Forums:
    I realize that ios isn't so helpful when it comes to m…

  • Posted a reply to Menu flashes after click on mobile, then slides back in, on the site Forums:
    I've tested on an ios device, latest os. I've cleared the caches, but I will…

  • Posted a reply to Menu flashes after click on mobile, then slides back in, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for the reply - I currently see the issue on IOS only, Safari, Chrome,…

  • Created a topic, IOS safari – forms in pop up require double tap, on the site Forums:
    If you look at the contact form on IOS 11, you have to…

  • Created a topic, Menu flashes after click on mobile, then slides back in, on the site Forums:
    Not sure exactly when this started, but it didn't use …

  • Posted a reply to Minimize mobile URL bar when popup triggered?, on the site Forums:
    I was trying to chase down the document.body.requestFullscreen approach, but maybe there is a way…

  • Created a topic, Minimize mobile URL bar when popup triggered?, on the site Forums:
    Hi is there a way to make the URL bar minimized when o…

  • Posted a reply to SSL? need to edit http:\\/\\/, on the site Forums:
    My fault!~ I didn't think it would cause the error but I couldn't find the…

  • Created a topic, SSL? need to edit http:\\/\\/, on the site Forums:
    Trying to find this code to edit it and make it https:…