Committed [1708030] to Plugins SVN:
Arreglo mensaje final -
Committed [1708028] to Plugins SVN:
Arreglo del storage del plugin -
Committed [1708009] to Plugins SVN:
Arreglo de errores varios -
Committed [1705836] to Plugins SVN:
Agregado de numero de version -
Committed [1658806] to Plugins SVN:
Permite solicitar moto independiente dle estado -
Committed [1657913] to Plugins SVN:
= 1.5 = * Agregado porcentaje de importe * Agregado log de transacciones * ... -
Committed [1640756] to Plugins SVN:
Arreglo errores orden de pedidos de direcciones -
Committed [1602369] to Plugins SVN:
Arreglo numero de version -
Committed [1602367] to Plugins SVN:
Version estable en el TXT -
Committed [1602363] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.3 -
Committed [1600124] to Plugins SVN:
Arreglo validaciones -
Committed [1553984] to Plugins SVN:
= 1.2 = * Mejores mensajes de error * Conectividad mejorada -
Committed [1553979] to Plugins SVN:
Actualizacion y arreglos de mensajeria -
Committed [1553112] to Plugins SVN:
One more image -
Committed [1553105] to Plugins SVN:
Stable version -
Committed [1553103] to Plugins SVN:
Arreglos version -
Released a new plugin, Treggo Shipping for WooCommerce
Committed [1553090] to Plugins SVN:
Correct directory -
Committed [1553082] to Plugins SVN:
Readme -
Committed [1553079] to Plugins SVN:
Iconos -
Committed [1552999] to Plugins SVN:
Imagen -
Committed [1552973] to Plugins SVN:
Agregado del fuente original