@nicolaparente26 on and Slack
- Member Since: May 19th, 2017
Contribution History
nicolaparente26’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Created a topic, tasse, on the site Forums:
Buongiorno. Avrei questa richiesta. Questo plugin è in… -
Posted a reply to spedizione in base alla quantità dei prodotti, on the site Forums:
ok. Grazie. Italiano perfetto. 😀 -
Created a topic, spedizione in base alla quantità dei prodotti, on the site Forums:
Buonasera. Ho bisogno di un'informazione. Con questo p… -
Created a topic, Commenti con email, on the site Forums:
Buonasera. È possibile che gli utenti possono inserire… -
Posted a reply to subscription info, on the site Forums:
ok. Thank you. But the downloadable area always with your free plugin or in the… -
Created a topic, subscription info, on the site Forums:
Good morning. Is it possible to create subscriptions f… -
Created a topic, URL dannoso, on the site Forums:
Buonasera. Ho un problema con Facebook. Quando pubblic… -
Created a topic, funzionamento plugin, on the site Forums:
Buonasera. Io non ho capito il funzionamento del plugi… -
Created a topic, pubblicità come slide, on the site Forums:
Buonasera. E'possibile inserire in un blocco più pubbl… -
Created a topic, image link, on the site Forums:
Buonasera. E' possibile inserire nelle immagini un lin… -
Posted a reply to podcast spreaker, on the site Forums:
ok. I have already purchased a simple podcast press. how can i integrate the simple… -
Posted a reply to podcast spreaker, on the site Forums:
thanks for the quick reply. which plugin do you recommend? -
Created a topic, podcast spreaker, on the site Forums:
Good evening. I wanted to know an information. I succe… -
Created a topic, ottimo plugin e assistenza disponibile e veloce, on the site Forums:
Inseritore annunci è tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno. È f… -
Posted a reply to player footer, on the site Forums:
hello, do you need the paid plugin to do this? Thank you. -
Created a topic, duplicate ads, on the site Forums:
Good evening. I created 3 blocks on the home page in d… -
Posted a reply to annunci rotation, on the site Forums:
ok. thank you. However, each block has different announcements, however, when I rotate, duplicates are… -
Created a topic, annunci rotation, on the site Forums:
Good morning. I created six ad blocks with two differe… -
Created a topic, player footer, on the site Forums:
Good evening. I need the fixed player in the footer on… -
Posted a reply to import podcast Rss, on the site Forums:
ok. Thank you. I will do everything from a single podcast host (Castos). Can you… -
Created a topic, import podcast Rss, on the site Forums:
Hello. Does the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin sup… -
Created a topic, Rotazione annunci, on the site Forums:
Buonasera. Con questo plugin è possibile fare la rotaz… -
Created a topic, annunci rotation, on the site Forums:
Good morning. It is possible to rotate local ads in th… -
Created a topic, Podcast automatico, on the site Forums:
Good morning.I’ve actually been using the spreaker pro… -
Created a topic, podcast automatico, on the site Forums:
Good morning.I've actually been using the spreaker pro… -
Created a topic, Podcast player, on the site Forums:
Good morning. Is it possible to automatically import p… -
Created a topic, Podcast feed RSS category, on the site Forums:
Good morning. Is it possible to automatically import p… -
Created a topic, social home page, on the site Forums:
Good morning. It is possible to insert social sharing … -
Posted a reply to pre-purchase question, on the site Forums:
ok. One last thing. Is it possible to automatically change the position of the ads? -
Created a topic, pre-purchase question, on the site Forums:
Good morning. Is it possible to rotate ads on an hourl… -
Created a topic, podcast widget, on the site Forums:
Buonasera. E' possibile aggiungere i podcast di transi… -
Created a topic, eventi, on the site Forums:
Buongiorno. Come posso inserire i vari eventi all'inte…