Posted a reply to [HELP][woocommercer] Change postion of Page Description in Shop Container, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Dear @margaretwporg i had found many solution but the best way is edit function.php file.… -
Posted a reply to [HELP][woocommercer] Change postion of Page Description in Shop Container, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Dear @margaretwporg when i said "page desciption", it's mean page description of woocommerce, not of… -
Created a topic, [HELP][woocommercer] Change postion of Page Description in Shop Container, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Dear all, As the tilte, i want to change position of p… -
Created a topic, Nên cập nhật thêm tính năng chỉnh sửa vị trí, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Dear tác giả, cảm ơn anh đã tạo plugin khá hữu ích. Tu… -
Created a topic, Create page number for customized products page, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Dear everyone, Woocommerce plugin have their own store…