I have been a Digital Marketing Professional (WordPress) for over 10 years & 300+ projects. My work is My Passion.
WordPress Origin Story
Last 10 years back I had been started the Learning of WordPress as a Hobby. But after 2 Years It became my passion. I had been spent lot of time on WordPress in a day in my life. But last few years back my regular job had some issues that why I got so many financial issues. That day I taken the WordPress as a profession and It will saved me so many financial issues. Last 6 years back I made the WordPress as my career and Completed 300+ projects in various fields and functionalities and rectified so many bugs. I am sharing my WordPress knowledge to so many people. WordPress is very amazing subject and We can do so many miracles with WordPress. I feel WordPress is equal to Mother.
Neeli Suneel contributes 14 hours per week to the following teams: Support and Training.
Posted a reply to Moving a WordPress site to another domain, on the site WordPress.org Forums: Hello You can use “All in One WP Migration” plugin to move your site from…