
  • Member Since: January 5th, 2011
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  • Created a topic, Twenty Twenty-Five, on the site Forums:
    How do I get a sidebar on Twenty Twenty-Five?

  • Created a topic, Besökare av webbsidan blir plötsligt ombedda att logga in, on the site Svensk support:
    Helt plötsligt har jag fått en dialog-box som poppar u…

  • Created a topic, Webbsidor åt klienter och cache-problematik, on the site Svensk support:
    Brukar göra webbsidor vid sidan av ordinarie jobb.Ofta…

  • Posted a reply to Easy Digital Download – skyddas verkligen filerna före köp?, on the site Svensk support:
    Så det står alltså att då man laddar upp en fil till en nedladdningsprodukt så…

  • Posted a reply to Easy Digital Download – skyddas verkligen filerna före köp?, on the site Svensk support:
    Jag använder Siteground. Det står "What if my server isn’t using Apache?", men mitt webbhotell…

  • Created a topic, Easy Digital Download – skyddas verkligen filerna före köp, on the site Svensk support:
    Jag har ett gäng filer/produkter som jag vill sälja me…

  • Created a topic, Accordion effect on the entire menu option, on the site Forums:
    The accordion effect takes place only when you click t…

  • Created a topic, Ett extra ”w” läggs till i min URL, on the site Svensk support:
    Har lagt till SSL certificate för min domän. I Wordpr…

  • Created a topic, Great plugin, on the site Forums:
    As for now it deserves 5 stars!

  • Created a topic, Backend webserver unreachable, on the site Svensk support:
    Då jag är inloggad i WordPress får jag ibland detta pr…

  • Created a topic, My custom sorting function breaks something in WordPress, on the site Forums:
    needed a function that could sort WooCommerce products…

  • Created a topic, Keep children items expanded, on the site Forums:
    How do I keep the children items expanded? When I cli…

  • Created a topic, I want to use the font from Twenty Twenty, on the site Forums:
    The font in Twenty Twenty seems to be "Inter var". I …

  • Created a topic, Sidor saknas, on the site Svenska:
    Har en webbsida där sidorna plötsligt saknas inuti sjä…

  • Created a topic, My wordpress website takes long time to load, on the site Forums:
    I have developed my website on a local Wordpress insta…

  • Created a topic, Min webbsida tar sådan evighet att ladda, on the site Svenska:
    Jag har arbetat med min webbsida på en lokal Wordpress…

  • Created a topic, Protect file name, on the site Forums:
    So with EDD the folders are protected, but I noticed t…

  • Posted a reply to Problem with Child Theme fonts, on the site Forums:
    OK, at least I found a solution to the second problem. To the code I…

  • Created a topic, Problem with Child Theme fonts, on the site Forums:
    I have created many child themes but I don't seem to m…

  • Created a topic, Source URL changes after saving, on the site Forums:
    So I enter my site like this: Source URL: http://www.m…

  • Posted a reply to Aspect ratio image, on the site Forums:
    Actually it doesn't have the same aspect ratio, but it has a limit width of…

  • Created a topic, Replace part of string in image URL, on the site Forums:
    I have a plugin that force me to use a particular imag…

  • Created a topic, Aspect ratio image, on the site Forums:
    The images have the same Aspect ratio in the loop. Wid…

  • Created a topic, Failed to open stream, on the site Forums:
    Something goes wrong when I move my site from localhos…

  • Posted a reply to WooCommerce Sortera produkter i bokstavsordning, on the site Svenska:
    Tack för hjälpen. Borde funka med kollationeringen tycker man, men sorteringen är densamma.

  • Created a topic, Not real Alfabetic order, on the site Forums:
    I was expecting to have all my products in alfabetic o…

  • Created a topic, WooCommerce Sortera produkter i bokstavsordning, on the site Svenska:
    Har laddat ned en plugin som heter: "WooCommerce Ext…

  • Created a topic, e-Learning and send invitations with to a list of members, on the site Forums:
    I'm about to create a e-Learning platform and need a p…

  • Created a topic, How do I add keywords the right way, on the site Forums:
    When adding keywords to my WP site, do I then add all …