@natinho68 on
- Member Since: May 13th, 2014
Contribution History
natinho68’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [1915007] to Plugins SVN:
add banner 772 -
Committed [1915006] to Plugins SVN:
add banner 1544 -
Committed [1915005] to Plugins SVN:
add icon 256 -
Committed [1915004] to Plugins SVN:
add icon 128 -
Committed [1914603] to Plugins SVN:
add readme -
Committed [1914601] to Plugins SVN:
Delete readme -
Committed [1914447] to Plugins SVN:
add readme with json img -
Committed [1914446] to Plugins SVN:
delete readme -
Committed [1914439] to Plugins SVN:
add readme -
Committed [1914438] to Plugins SVN:
delete readme -
Committed [1914434] to Plugins SVN:
update readme -
Committed [1914433] to Plugins SVN:
update readme -
Committed [1914431] to Plugins SVN:
delete tags version -
Committed [1914430] to Plugins SVN:
add readme in trunk -
Committed [1914429] to Plugins SVN:
move readme in tags -
Committed [1914428] to Plugins SVN:
create 1.0 folder -
Committed [1914427] to Plugins SVN:
move screenshot 2 in assets -
Committed [1914426] to Plugins SVN:
delete trunk subfolder in trunk -
Committed [1914425] to Plugins SVN:
delete tags from trunk -
Committed [1914424] to Plugins SVN:
delete assets from trunk -
Committed [1914423] to Plugins SVN:
move omg -
Committed [1914419] to Plugins SVN:
useless folders -
Committed [1914415] to Plugins SVN:
first plugin version
Active Installs: Less than 10