Mohammad Zamanzadeh
@mzamanzadah on
- Member Since: June 5th, 2019
Contribution History
Mohammad Zamanzadeh’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [2745176] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [2745173] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [2745167] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [2745165] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [2745160] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [2745149] to Plugins SVN:
updated version -
Committed [2586281] to Plugins SVN:
Removed email max-length -
Committed [2558378] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.6 -
Committed [2558128] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.1 -
Committed [2558122] to Plugins SVN:
new version -
Committed [2518083] to Plugins SVN:
First commit -
Committed [2508813] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed readme -
Committed [2508812] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed readme -
Committed [2508660] to Plugins SVN:
fix icon new -
Committed [2508659] to Plugins SVN:
fix icon -
Committed [2508654] to Plugins SVN:
Init commit -
Committed [2495722] to Plugins SVN:
Updated tested version -
Committed [2495709] to Plugins SVN:
Updated tested version -
Committed [2495705] to Plugins SVN:
Updated tested version -
Committed [2478038] to Plugins SVN:
Updated logo -
Committed [2478037] to Plugins SVN:
Updated logo -
Committed [2476362] to Plugins SVN:
Update logo -
Committed [2476354] to Plugins SVN:
Zibal for GravityForms v1.0 -
Committed [2261625] to Plugins SVN:
sending fullname in description -
Committed [2261624] to Plugins SVN:
sending fullname in description -
Committed [2102455] to Plugins SVN:
tag 1.2 -
Committed [2102453] to Plugins SVN:
logo added to assets -
Committed [2102451] to Plugins SVN:
first commit v1.2 -
Committed [2102132] to Plugins SVN:
logo for preview page added -
Committed [2102129] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.5 -
Committed [2102127] to Plugins SVN:
first commit v1.5
Zibal Payment Gateway for Easy Digital Downloads
Active Installs: 200+
Zibal Payment Gateway for Woocommerce
Active Installs: 3,000+