Posted a reply to Desperate to put zip on site, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I did disable all other plugins (only 1) and used a default theme too. All… -
Posted a reply to Desperate to put zip on site, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Yes, I am using a file block and I did add a zip file as… -
Posted a reply to Desperate to put zip on site, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, Steven. Thank you for your reply. I just have, but I still get the… -
Created a topic, Desperate to put zip on site, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, I am using WP 5.7.2 and I have been trying all … -
Created a topic, problems after migration, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, A while ago I changed hosting providers. I migr… -
Created a topic, Meer details ove uitgelichte afbeelding gewenst., on the site Support forums:
Hallo, graag had ik wat meer details geweten over de "… -
Created a topic, Serious accessibility problem, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, I use WP 4.9.8. I tried to install a login widg… -
Posted a reply to Moeilijkheden met registratie., on the site Support forums:
Oeps, ik heb te vroeg victorie gekraaid. Nadat ik je raad opgevolgd had dacht ik… -
Posted a reply to Moeilijkheden met registratie., on the site Support forums:
Hey Kalovi, beste dank voor je reactie. Ik heb eerst de cache geleegd (ik heb… -
Created a topic, Moeilijkheden met registratie., on the site Support forums:
Hallo, Ik heb een (klein) probleem: Ik gebruik WP vers… -
Posted a reply to Afbeeldingen tonen in post, on the site Support forums:
Hi Niels, het is inderdaad gelukt. Ik kende al lang de plugins van Yoast, maar… -
Created a topic, Afbeeldingen tonen in post, on the site Support forums:
Hallo, op mijn Wordpress blog vertoont de post bovenaa…