Morten Ricki Rasmussen
@mortenrickirasmussen on
- Member Since: September 15th, 2018
- Website:
- GitHub: MortenRickiRasmussen
- Job Title: CEO
- Employer: TimeOps
Contribution History
Morten Ricki Rasmussen’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Created a topic, Great with more components for X Pro, on the site Forums:
It is great with more components for X Pro, as simple … -
Committed [2399493] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.0.2 which includes a Link Container -
Committed [2399416] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged version 1.0.1 with correct author -
Committed [2399410] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged version 1.0.0 with correcy author -
Committed [2399400] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged version 1.0.0 -
Committed [2399399] to Plugins SVN:
Initial release including image with overlay
Custom X Pro Elements by Hexio
Active Installs: Less than 10