@mohsensd1373 on
- Member Since: July 22nd, 2014
- Location: iran
- Website:
- Job Title: programmer
- Employer: kingblack
Contribution History
mohsensd1373’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Created a topic, تصویر ساز وردپرس, on the site Forums:
لطفا ما را از نظرات خود محروم نفرمایید -
Committed [2446056] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed issue # -
Committed [2446054] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed issue # -
Committed [2446052] to Plugins SVN:
new update -
Committed [2434989] to Plugins SVN:
Tested up to: 5.5.6 -
Committed [2432241] to Plugins SVN:
update readme.txt -
Committed [2431416] to Plugins SVN:
this is new update -
Committed [2427007] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt -
Committed [2047229] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt -
Committed [2047226] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt -
Committed [2047224] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt -
Created ticket #23500 on Themes Trac:
THEME: MyLeader – 4.0.2