Posted a reply to approved download directories are disabled, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello @chiape @margaretwporg I just found out and tested that the approved download directories are… -
Posted a reply to approved download directories are disabled, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
hi @margaretwporg thank you Yes, I mean the latest version of WooCommerce 6.5 So I'm… -
Created a topic, approved download directories are disabled, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
HI Why for me the WooCommerce approved download direc… -
Posted a reply to Do not change the special sale price to the original price, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
@maykato Yes, that's okay, maybe this is a bug from WooCommerce? Because I designed two… -
Created a topic, Do not change the special sale price to the original price, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello friends I have a problem after updating WooComme… -
Created a topic, [WooCommerce] مشکل عدم نمایش مقدار فروش در پیشخوان وردپرس, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
سلام چند ماهی هست که دیگه توی صفحه پیشخوان وردپرس صفحه… -
Posted a reply to مشکل افزودن تگ, on the site پشتیبانی فارسی:
نه متاسفانه -
Posted a reply to مشکل افزودن تگ, on the site پشتیبانی فارسی:
سلام از Classic Editor استفاده میکنم. -
Created a topic, مشکل افزودن تگ, on the site پشتیبانی فارسی:
سلام خسته نباشید بعد از بروزرسانی وردپرس به 5.6 امکان…