

I’m a Portuguese IT technician with background studies in programming and also hardware and networking. Currently I’m working on a Telecommunications company called “Futurland” that is a partner of the Portuguese Telecom and the Altice Group where I’m the head of the recently created IT Department.

WordPress Origin Story

I’m not a web designer but given the formation I had in programming where I had to deal with languages like C# or VB that have a strong connotation with web forms and apps, I soon adventured myself in the world of building websites. I’m not an advanced site builder but I can handle my self and create acceptable websites (at least, I think so). Only recently I started to enter in the WordPress world and I find it extremely useful and with an intuitive UI that saves me a lot of time comparing with the time that is lost with programs like Dreamweaver, but still I have some doubts and I joined this forum exactly to better my knowledgments.

  • Member Since: May 16th, 2019
  • Location: Queluz, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Website:
  • Job Title: Head of IT Department
  • Employer: Futurland
  • Find me on:
  • Created a topic, Looked promising but it’s useless…and blocks multimedia grid mode view, on the site Forums:
    I read the description, looked promising, did managed …

  • Created a topic, Conflict with “Product Slider for WooCommerce” plugin, on the site Forums:
    Hi there. First of all, my congratulations for the pl…

  • Posted a reply to Links of the product slider images won’t open the single product page, on the site Forums:
    Hi, @khalilu. Thanks for your feedback, I'll try to sort it out and see if…

  • Created a topic, Links of the product slider images won’t open the single product page, on the site Forums:
    Hi there. First of all congratulations for your work,…

  • Created a topic, Is it possible to lock the button position?, on the site Forums:
    Hi there. First of all, thx for the plugin, it's work…

  • Posted a reply to Using badges also in single product pages, on the site Forums:
    Hi guys, Sorry for the late response but I took some days off and returned…

  • Posted a reply to Using badges also in single product pages, on the site Forums:
    Hi @yithemes. I'm using the OceanWP theme on my online shop. I really hope you…

  • Created a topic, Using badges also in single product pages, on the site Forums:
    Hi there. I was wondering if in the badge creation pr…

  • Posted a reply to Thumbnails src, on the site Forums:
    Hi there. I have the same problem, I need my gallery thumbnail images to be…

  • Created a topic, Very usefull plugin, simple and eficient!, on the site Forums:
    I did some research before installing this plugin and …

  • Posted a reply to How to change table images size, on the site Forums:
    @yithemes Hi there... It didn´t worked...worst, after the rebuild the images I had that appeared…

  • Posted a reply to How to change table images size, on the site Forums:
    @yithemes Hi there, I've just realised I have an error on the description above...the folder…

  • Posted a reply to Quick help on language configuration basics, on the site Forums:
    @yithemes Hi guys. Thanks for the help, it worked perfectly! Still have a minor setback…

  • Created a topic, How to change table images size, on the site Forums:
    Hi there. First of all let me congratulate you for th…

  • Posted a reply to Quick help on language configuration basics, on the site Forums:
    Hi there. Sorry for the late response guys. Thanks for the info, it worked like…

  • Posted a reply to Woocommerce – ficheiro PO traduzido a 100% contudo surgem palavras em inglês, on the site Fórum de suporte português:
    Olá @pedromendonca, Na verdade só traduzi a parte do tema que se sobrepunha ao plugin…

  • Posted a reply to Woocommerce – ficheiro PO traduzido a 100% contudo surgem palavras em inglês, on the site Fórum de suporte português:
    @felipeloureirosantos Olá Felipe, muito obrigado pela dica, realmente eram as strings do ficheiro PO do…

  • Posted a reply to Validação do NIF não funciona?, on the site Forums:
    "My bad..." Realmente só hoje reparei que me enganei ao escrever o texto, como estava…

  • Posted a reply to Validação do NIF não funciona?, on the site Forums:
    Estão no vosso direito, compreendo o teu ponto de vista e respeito mas a meu…

  • Posted a reply to Validação do NIF não funciona?, on the site Forums:
    Humm...a sério? OK, tudo bem, eu lá me safo de alguma maneira, não vou estar…

  • Posted a reply to Validação do NIF não funciona?, on the site Forums:
    Olá @webdados Pois, realmente não percebo o que se minha loja, onde o registo…

  • Posted a reply to Validação do NIF não funciona?, on the site Forums:
    Olá @webdados Obrigado pela pronta resposta. Infelizmente o problema mantém-se, acrescentei o código que indicastes…

  • Created a topic, Woocommerce – ficheiro PO traduzido a 100% contudo surgem palavras em inglês, on the site Fórum de suporte português:
    Boas tardes. Precisava de uma ajuda pois estou farto …

  • Created a topic, Validação do NIF não funciona?, on the site Forums:
    Boa tarde. Desde já deixo os meus parabéns pela cri…

  • Posted a reply to Question about a 3rd party plugin that is blocking Woocommerce functionalities, on the site Forums:
    @lukefiretoss What's the point? Already saw someone complaining there about the same question and the…

  • Created a topic, Question about a 3rd party plugin that is blocking Woocommerce functionalities, on the site Forums:
    In these last months I've been developing a online sto…

  • Created a topic, Quick help on language configuration basics, on the site Forums:
    Hi all. I just need a litle help on understanding the…

  • Posted a reply to Remover espaço em branco abaixo do header, on the site Fórum de suporte português:
    @pmfonseca Obrigado pela resposta, funcionou na perfeição! (eu já tinha andado com Chrome a ver…

  • Posted a reply to Remover espaço em branco abaixo do header, on the site Fórum de suporte português:
    Ninguém me consegue dar uma ajuda?? Não é para isso que serve este fórum?

  • Created a topic, Remover espaço em branco abaixo do header, on the site Fórum de suporte português:
    Olá pessoal. Tenho vindo a desenvolver um website pa…