Translated 32 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 5 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 40 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 93 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 78 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Reviewed 39 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Created a topic, Adding language management, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi I suggest choosing the user role from the defaul… -
Suggested 82 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 48 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 26 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 35 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Reviewed 8 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 38 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 132 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 28 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 300 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Created a topic, مخزن پشتیبانی در گیت هاب, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
سلام بر همه مخصوصا دوستانی که از این افزونه استفاده… -
Suggested 135 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 93 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Reviewed 19 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 91 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 207 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 22 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 73 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 132 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 160 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 2 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 109 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 29 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Reviewed 1 string on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 28 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 162 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Created a topic, Error in WordPress Network!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi Comrades I received the following error while creat… -
Created a topic, [گرویتی فرم فارسی] مشکل در بروز رسانی افزونه, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
سلام من قصد مشارکت و به روز رسانی افزونه رو دارم متاسف… -
Created a topic, Failure to update!, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
hello to the developer and other consumers Is it still… -
Created a topic, عدم نمایش آیکن های ایرانی, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
سلام علی رغم فعال سازی نمایش آیکن های ایرانی در بخش تن… -
Created a topic, Provide translation arrangements for this plugin, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi It looks like a useful plugin. I intend to translat… -
Created a topic, افزودن یک قطعه کد جهت سهولت پیگیری سفارش, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
سلام یک پیشنهاد داشتم برای راحت شدن روند پیگیری محصول… -
Created a topic, The distance between Persian letters in a custom font, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello I use the right-to-left languages. When the fon… -
Posted a reply to receipt of error, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello Thanks for your help. Top problem solved! And yet another question: I use the… -
Created a topic, receipt of error, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Good morning, good morning. I receive the following er… -
Posted a reply to تداخل افزونه WP-SMS با افزونه پرداخت دلخواه, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
دوتا نکته دیگه هم بگم و تمام، البته فعلا :) 1. فرصت کردین بخش ترجمش… -
Created a topic, update and add Persian language, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, thanks for your practical extension. If it is … -
Created a topic, تداخل افزونه WP-SMS با افزونه پرداخت دلخواه, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
ضمن سلام و تبریک پیشاپیش سال ج… -
Created ticket #26152 on Themes Trac:
THEME: Persian 2015 – 1.6.0 -
Created ticket #25991 on Themes Trac:
THEME: زیر پوسته 2015 اختصاصی شده – 1.6.0
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