@mattiaspkallio on
- Member Since: March 21st, 2016
- GitHub: MattiasKallio
- Job Title: Webbnerd
- Employer: Snillrik
Contribution History
mattiaspkallio’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [3137210] to Plugins SVN:
If no logo set bugfix for login page. -
Committed [3136141] to Plugins SVN:
Fixing warnings for username and stable tag. -
Committed [3136131] to Plugins SVN:
Minor bugfix and check for 6.6.1 -
Committed [3050457] to Plugins SVN:
Adding setting a color for categories -
Committed [3011952] to Plugins SVN:
Fixes and prettyfying. -
Committed [3010290] to Plugins SVN:
Minor bugfix -
Committed [3009415] to Plugins SVN:
Bugfix missing added file. -
Committed [3009400] to Plugins SVN:
Minor style change and check with wp 6.4.2 -
Committed [3009398] to Plugins SVN:
Prettyfying code and updating the kses output -
Committed [3009304] to Plugins SVN:
Adding very simple honeypot for woo register form. -
Committed [2977978] to Plugins SVN:
Mostly check for wp 6.3.1 -
Committed [2977976] to Plugins SVN:
Test for WP 6.3.1 -
Posted a reply to [Booster for WooCommerce] Tax Toggle not working on cart-page, on the site Forums:
Hi! I still can't get it to work for some reason...I have tried to disable… -
Posted a reply to Tax Toggle not working on cart-page, on the site Forums:
Hi!I can't seem to find a setting for that in the configuration other than activate… -
Created a topic, Tax Toggle not working on cart-page, on the site Forums:
Hi! I'm not sure if I'm just doing something wrong or … -
Committed [2909394] to Plugins SVN:
Minor css fix and banner change. -
Committed [2904681] to Plugins SVN:
Some minor fixes and tweaks mostly concerning link and 0 prices. -
Committed [2889505] to Plugins SVN:
Oops, theese too. -
Committed [2889504] to Plugins SVN:
Prettyfying UI and check with WP 6.2 -
Committed [2889500] to Plugins SVN:
Smarter admin tool bar hider and check with WP 6.2 -
Committed [2889496] to Plugins SVN:
Minor updates and check compability with 6.2 -
Committed [2887882] to Plugins SVN:
Added a link to the settingspage on the plugins page. -
Committed [2887879] to Plugins SVN:
Setting for using the logo set in customizer as logo on loginpage -
Committed [2873983] to Plugins SVN:
A bunch of changes mostly regarding ability for custom styling in ... -
Committed [2872396] to Plugins SVN:
Set dish prices on menu pages to override set price. Number of ... -
Committed [2847564] to Plugins SVN:
Bugfix, some settings did not get saved. -
Committed [2844581] to Plugins SVN:
Moved all html for the settings to each class and added change default ... -
Committed [2840453] to Plugins SVN:
Added logout redirect option -
Committed [2828797] to Plugins SVN:
Redirect bug after add to cart, and new redirect profile -
Committed [2823481] to Plugins SVN:
Another minor change mostly styling -
Committed [2822688] to Plugins SVN:
Hmm, missed some more version info -
Committed [2822678] to Plugins SVN:
Missed version updates and info -
Committed [2822669] to Plugins SVN:
Icon, banner updates to new logo and some styling in admin settings. -
Committed [2822659] to Plugins SVN:
Updating logo icon and banner -
Committed [2822425] to Plugins SVN:
Some code prettyfying and adding the alla_veckor-param to shortcode. -
Committed [2822241] to Plugins SVN:
Prettyfying code and using transients instead of own table. Some ... -
Committed [2822159] to Plugins SVN:
Checking 6.1.1 and fixed some update issues -
Committed [2822126] to Plugins SVN:
Just testing plugin with new WP and PHP 8.1.x -
Committed [2804543] to Plugins SVN:
First commmit version 1.0.1 -
Committed [2802108] to Plugins SVN:
Replacing logo and checking functionallity 6.0.3 -
Committed [2743513] to Plugins SVN:
bugfix if thumb/image missing. -
Committed [2738802] to Plugins SVN:
updated changelog -
Committed [2738786] to Plugins SVN:
A lot of updates now, minor fix, if price is 0 nothing is shown ... -
Committed [2738510] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed bug in naming when using the dishes shortcode. -
Committed [2738496] to Plugins SVN:
1.8.2 bugfix. -
Committed [2736970] to Plugins SVN:
Iiik, found a bug where all the categories showed despite selecting one. -
Committed [2736938] to Plugins SVN:
Got a bunch of tips so categories, and tags and a shortcode generator. ... -
Committed [2734864] to Plugins SVN:
Hm, the only tag was theme, that's weird, now it should be better. -
Committed [2734860] to Plugins SVN:
Versioning is hard. -
Committed [2734858] to Plugins SVN:
Missed the tested up to. Works with WP 6.0.
Snillrik Settings
Active Installs: 10+