Posted a reply to Problema con aggiornamento 6.4 su pagine di primo livello, on the site Forum Italiano:
Si anche con quella, stesso problema. -
Created a topic, Problema con aggiornamento 6.4 su pagine di primo livello, on the site Forum Italiano:
Buongiorno, aggiornando al 6.4 ho un problema sulle… -
Posted a reply to Display authorized roles for a specific page/post ID, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Yes, I know, but authorised roles are set in the page, but I need to… -
Created a topic, Display authorized roles for a specific page/post ID, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
There is a way to display the list of roles authorized… -
Created a topic, Error moving to new url, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I've moved site to new url and now i get this erro…