Committed [3236712] to Plugins SVN:
Readme in tags/1.2 edited -
Committed [3236706] to Plugins SVN:
Readme in trunk edited -
Committed [3236699] to Plugins SVN:
tags/1.2 updated to server -
Committed [3236698] to Plugins SVN:
M dash istället för hyphen i versföljder. -
Committed [3227214] to Plugins SVN:
Apg issues on desktop ver2 -
Committed [3227213] to Plugins SVN:
Apg issues on desktop -
Committed [3227104] to Plugins SVN:
Readme.txt tags updated -
Committed [3227103] to Plugins SVN:
Readme.txt changelog 1.1.1 updated -
Committed [3227098] to Plugins SVN:
Bug fix: referenser till Apostlagärningarna fungerar -
Committed [3047290] to Plugins SVN:
Tested on Wordpress 6.4.3 added also in tags -
Committed [3047166] to Plugins SVN:
Tested on Wordpress 6.4.3 -
Committed [2397396] to Plugins SVN:
Updating tested version to 5.5.1 -
Committed [2306375] to Plugins SVN:
mobile-js added -
Committed [2306359] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.1 tagged -
Committed [2306348] to Plugins SVN:
mobile device support added -
Committed [2299428] to Plugins SVN:
Adding the assets -
Committed [2299390] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.0 -
Committed [2299385] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin