Magdalena Paciorek
@magdalenapaciorek on and Slack
Contributions Sponsored
- Member Since: June 1st, 2016
- Location: Poznań, Poland
- Website:
- Job Title: WordPress Evangelist & Developer
- Employer: cyber_Folks
Contribution History
Magdalena Paciorek’s badges:- Documentation Contributor
- Hosting Contributor
- Translation Contributor
- WordCamp Organizer
- WordCamp Speaker
Is the 100th person to arrive at WordCamp Wrocław 2024
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Wrocław 2024
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Gdynia, Poland 2024
Translated 10 strings on
Completed the course Converting a Shortcode to a Block on
Suggested 5 strings on
Wrote a comment on the post A first look at the Interactivity API, on the site WordPress Developer Blog:
That's correct, currently, you'll need to recreate the interaction in React for the editor. It… -
Received props from @cbravobernal in Slack:
Props to @magdalenapaciorek for writing a great Interactivity API blog article -
Gave props in Slack:
Props to @bph, @greenshady, @luisherranz, @cbravobernal, @jonsurrell, @welcher for feedback and review of my first… -
Wrote a new post, A first look at the Interactivity API, on the site WordPress Developer Blog:
How to add dynamic features and user interaction to blocks using the Interactivity API, now… -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Europe 2024
Translated 1 string on
Suggested 1 string on
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Warsaw, Poland 2022
Created a topic, A great customizable business theme, on the site Forums:
This is a great lightweight theme for business. It off… -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Prague, Czech Republic
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Europe 2021
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Prague 2020
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Europe 2020
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Europe 2019
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Poznań 2018
Wrote a new post, Ruszają zapisy na WordCamp Poznań 2018, on the site WordCamp Poznań 2018:
25.03.2018 o godz. 20:00 rusza sprzedaż biletów na WordCamp Poznań 2018. Udostępniona zostanie pierwsza pula… -
Wrote a new post, Welcome to WordCamp Poznań, on the site WordCamp Poznań:
Organizers note: Please update the portions with red text. We're happy to announce that WordCamp… -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Lublin 2017
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Lublin, Poland 2017
Posted a reply to Galeria zdjęć i wtyczka, lub rozwiązanie, on the site Forum:
jest jeszcze taki plugin: a tutaj demo jak to działa: -
Posted a reply to Jak zlikwidować obrazek wyróżniający w poście?, on the site Forum:
Spróbuj poszukać w Theme Options lub w Customizerze (Wygląd -> Personalizacja) - może jest tam… -
Posted a reply to Błąd podczas logowania!!!, on the site Forum:
Czego możesz spróbować? - Zmienić hasło i zobaczyć czy z nowym działa - Otworzyć stronę… -
Posted a reply to Unknown File In WordPress Core, on the site Forums:
You can download your current wp-admin folder to your computer and then delete it from… -
Posted a reply to Jak dodać baner reklamowy do szablonu?, on the site Forum:
Możesz spróbować z jakąś wtyczką, która wstawia bannery w wybrane miejsce np. na końcu/ na… -
Posted a reply to Pytanie o licencję szablonu płatnego, on the site Forum:
Jednak nie ma co liczyć na to, że zdjęcia będą załączone do motywu, ponieważ przeważnie… -
Posted a reply to Check Box or Drop Down Menu, on the site Forums:
You need to add these new fields to the message body - not only to… -
Posted a reply to Formularz Formidable forms nie wysyła wiadomości, on the site Forum:
Spróbuj skonfigurować SMTP na przykład poprzez tą wtyczkę: Najprościej będzie utworzyć osobnego maila (u… -
Posted a reply to Dane z formularza w pdf, on the site Forum:
Cześć, Jest wtyczka do Gravity Forms, która pozwala generować pdfy - Sama wtyczka Gravity… -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Gdynia 2016
Completed Courses
Total completed courses: 1
- Converting a Shortcode to a Block* June 7, 2024
- *Course is no longer available.