@lykkelig on
- Member Since: July 19th, 2018
Contribution History
lykkelig’s badges:- Translation Contributor
Created a topic, Vipps Express + Gift Cards for WooCommerce, on the site Forums:
Hello! I've noticed that whenever a customer purchase … -
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Posted a reply to Ett-klikks Hurtigkasse, on the site Forums:
Tusen takk! Da er problemet løst for min del ☺️ Enig ref henting i butikk… -
Created a topic, Ett-klikks Hurtigkasse, on the site Forums:
Hei! Jeg oppdaget ved en tilfeldighet at hurtigkassekn… -
Posted a reply to Hurtigkasseknapp, on the site Forums:
Herlig, takk! Jeg laster bare opp egen SVG inntil videre, så det er ikke noe… -
Created a topic, Hurtigkasseknapp, on the site Forums:
Hadde det vært mulig å legge inn valg mellom rektangul… -
Posted a reply to Vipps Recurring som Klarna Checkout EPM, on the site Forums:
Jess! Det stemmer. Det er nok i hovedsak innstillingene du viser til som skaper problemer. -
Posted a reply to Vipps Recurring som Klarna Checkout EPM, on the site Forums:
Problemet med kjøpet på skjermbildene er at jeg ikke bruker gratis oppstart. Klarna Checkout støtter… -
Created a topic, Vipps Recurring som Klarna Checkout EPM, on the site Forums:
Hei! Jeg opplever egentlig to problemer med Vipps Rec… -
Posted a reply to Hurtigkasse?, on the site Forums:
Hei! Skjønner utfordringen her. Bare snodig at Vipps bruker to ulike system for dette. Fungerer… -
Posted a reply to Order awaiting payment – Checkout link, on the site Forums:
Alright, thanks! Will you be working on getting it supported in the future? As the… -
Created a topic, Order awaiting payment – Checkout link, on the site Forums:
Hi! Congrats on fixing the WooCommerce payment link f… -
Created a topic, Hurtigkasse?, on the site Forums:
Hei! Går det an å sette opp denne som Vipps hurtigkass… -
Posted a reply to Unable to re-connect WooCommerce/Facebook, on the site Forums:
Yay! No more error now. Thanks so much for a speedy response and easy guide.… -
Created a topic, Unable to re-connect WooCommerce/Facebook, on the site Forums:
Hi! I've had some trouble with my facebook integration… -
Posted a reply to Klarna external checkout, on the site Forums:
Hadde det vært en idé å la dette være en innstilling? Vi løste det fint… -
Posted a reply to Hurtigkasse og utsolgte produkter i handlekurven, on the site Forums:
Supert, mage takk! Fiks funker :) Ikke tenk på at det tar litt tid innimellom.… -
Created a topic, Hurtigkasse og utsolgte produkter, on the site Forums:
Hei! Håper alt er bra 😃 Er det ikke lagerstatussjekk … -
Posted a reply to Adressesynkronisering, e-postbekreftelse & logg inn-knapp, on the site Forums:
Jeg er ikke sikker på hvorfor Klarna skal pirke på skrivemåten - det er kanskje… -
Posted a reply to Betingelser ved bruk av Vipps Hurtigkasse, on the site Forums:
Så bra, tenkte meg at det var tilrettelagt! Men er det noe tilsvarende som fungerer… -
Created a topic, Betingelser ved bruk av Vipps Hurtigkasse, on the site Forums:
Hei! Jeg ser det er lagt til funksjon for vilkår/betin… -
Posted a reply to Default WooCommerce Payment Gateway, on the site Forums:
Thanks, that should work. I didn't think that far :) -
Created a topic, Default WooCommerce Payment Gateway, on the site Forums:
Hi! Any idea if it's possible to reset the chosen paym… -
Posted a reply to Translate popup, on the site Forums:
Thank you for checking this @ionutcalara! Then it all makes sense. Hopefully it won't be… -
Posted a reply to Translate popup, on the site Forums:
Thanks for looking into it! I'm mainly thinking about the labels for Card Number, Expiry… -
Posted a reply to Translate popup, on the site Forums:
I thought I'd chime in here as well, @ionutcalara. I find that the payment popup… -
Posted a reply to Fatal error for Hurtigkasse v1.3.6, on the site Forums:
Ser ut til at det fungerer fint nå med den nye oppdateringen. Tusen takk for… -
Created a topic, Veldig bra!, on the site Forums:
Utrolig takknemlig for en enkel og grei Vipps-løsning … -
Created a topic, Fantastic login experience, on the site Forums:
Works very well, is simple to set up and adds so much … -
Created a topic, Fatal error for Hurtigkasse v1.3.6, on the site Forums:
Etter oppdatering opplever jeg følgende feilmelding um… -
Created a topic, Adressesynkronisering, e-postbekreftelse & logg inn-knapp, on the site Forums:
Hurra for en god plugin! Tusen takk for innsatsen :) … -
Posted a reply to Faste betalinger, on the site Forums:
Jeg stemmer også for WooCommerce Subscriptions-støtte, men skjønner godt at vanlige betalinger må prioriteres :) -
Posted a reply to Hurtigkasse og WooCommerce Product Bundles, on the site Forums:
Skjønner! Det ser ut til å fungere mer eller mindre feilfritt med gavekort, selv om… -
Posted a reply to Vipps og Klarna, on the site Forums:
Det fungerer veldig fint i mine tester, @iverok :) Det eneste som mangler er logikk… -
Posted a reply to Vipps og Klarna, on the site Forums:
Ikke noe problem og selv takk! Hadde ikke fått med meg at det allerede var… -
Created a topic, Hurtigkasse og WooCommerce Product Bundles, on the site Forums:
Hallo! :-) Jeg sliter med å få Vipps Hurtigkasse til… -
Posted a reply to Vipps og Klarna, on the site Forums:
Et lite innspill fra sidelinjen her; Det hadde vært helt genialt om Vipps-pluginen får støtte… -
Posted a reply to Partial Customer Details, on the site Forums:
Will do, thanks @Klarna! -
Posted a reply to Subscription and gift cards, on the site Forums:
That makes sense for normal orders, @krokedil, but with recurring payments it's fairly common to… -
Created a topic, Partial Customer Details, on the site Forums:
I've encountered a sporadic bug with KCO. Sometimes th… -
Posted a reply to Subscription and gift cards, on the site Forums:
Awesome, thanks @krokedil! Let's hope it gets sorted soon. -
Posted a reply to Manual order payment, on the site Forums:
I'm also waiting for this. Klarna is great, but this is one basic WooCommerce feature… -
Posted a reply to Subscription and gift cards, on the site Forums:
It's the same problem with regular WooCommerce discount codes. If a discount makes the first… -
Created a topic, Change payment method – WooCommerce Subscriptions, on the site Forums:
Klarna Checkout supports recurring payments through Wo… -
Posted a reply to Vipps Hurtigkasse + Bring Fraktguiden Pro, on the site Forums:
Skjønner! Det er helt kurant, mange takk :-) -
Created a topic, Vipps Hurtigkasse + Bring Fraktguiden Pro, on the site Forums:
Hei! Jeg har en liten rapport til - Har lest at dere t… -
Posted a reply to Hurtigkasse: Her gikk noe galt, on the site Forums:
Mange takk! Du hadde helt rett. Callbacks ble trolig blokkert på grunn av noe med…